Deploying AcuSensor for Node.js

πŸ” AcuSensor Network PreRequisites

AcuSensor makes use of the AcuSensor Bridge. To learn more about the AcuSensor Bridge, refer to the AcuSensor BridgeΒ document.

Before deploying AcuSensor, note the list of supported servers and frameworks.

Supported Servers and Frameworks

NodeJS Runtime

  • Tested on Windows: v10, v12, v14, v16, v18, v20
  • Tested on Ubuntu 20: v10, v12, v14, v16, v18, v20

Database Clients

  • better-sqlite3
  • Knex (PostgreSQL, CockroachDB, MSSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite3, Better-SQLite3, Oracle, and Amazon Redshift)
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Sequelize (Oracle, Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite and SQL Server)
  • SQLite3


  • Director
  • Express
  • find-my-way
  • koa-router
  • LoopBack 4
  • Restify
  • Router


  • EJS
  • Handlebars
  • Pug


  • Axios (http-request)
  • ldapjs (ldapquery)
  • Libxmljs (xmlparser)
  • Needle (http-request)
  • Nodemailer (sendmail)

To deploy AcuSensor, you should keep in mind that the mechanism we need to use is to invoke the sensor when launching the Node application.

Deploying AcuSensor requires the following steps.

Step 1: Downloading AcuSensor for your Target

The instructions to download the AcuSensor file can be found here:

Step 2: Copy the AcuSensor to the Target

For the purposes of this document, we will assume that we will be creating a dedicated folder inside the ROOT folder of your operating system to hold the AcuSensor file.

Under Windows:

  • Create a folder "C:\acusensor\"
  • Copy the node-acusensor.tar file into "C:\acusensor\"

Under Linux:

  • Create a folder "/acusensor" with the following command:
  • mkdir /acusensor/
  • Use "cd" to navigate to the folder which contains your downloaded AcuSensor file and run the following command:
  • cp node-acusensor.tar /acusensor/

Step 3: Launch your Node.js web application invoking the AcuSensor

Under Windows:

  • Use "cd" to navigate to the folder which contains your web application (where the "app.js" file resides) and run the following commands:
  • npm install \acusensor\node-acusensor.tar --no-save
  • npx node-acusensor app.js

Under Linux:

  • Use "cd" to navigate to the folder which contains your web application (where the "app.js" file resides) and run the following commands:
  • npm install /acusensor/node-acusensor.tar --no-save
  • npx node-acusensor app.js

Uninstall AcuSensor

For Windows:

  • Navigate to the folder where the sensor is installed and run this command:
  • npm remove node-acusensor
  • Remove the "C:\acusensor\node-acusensor.tar" file and then remove the "C:\acusensor" folder

For Linux:

  • Navigate to the folder where the sensor is installed and run these commands:
  • npm remove node-acusensor
  • rm -rf /acusensor

Note: Although Acunetix AcuSensor files are secured with a unique strong built-in password, it is recommended that the AcuSensor files are uninstalled and removed from the web application if they are no longer in use.


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