Installing Acunetix 360 On-Premises in Silent Mode

You can install the Acunetix 360 web application server and agent in silent mode.

  • The silent mode lets you run the installation without the user's interaction, and no user interface is displayed.
  • You can define an installation configuration only once to streamline the process.

This topic explains how to install the web application server and the agent in silent mode.

For the manual installation and configuration, please see Installing and Configuring Acunetix 360 On-Premises.


Please make sure that you have administrator privileges to run the installation in silent mode.

Installing Acunetix 360 Web Application Server

There are two methods to perform the silent mode installation for the web application server. You can install the web application server by using a JSON file or with a Windows PowerShell Script.


Server Requirement

  • Change the Server Authentication method to SQL Server and Windows Authentication mode.

Database Requirement

  • Create a new database.

Required Access

  • A user must have a database owner role for the database created.

Installing Web Application Server with JSON

Before you begin, you must:

  • Copy the following into a text editor and save it as a silent_mode_settings.json.


Please make sure that you entered the correct information into the JSON file so that the installation proceeds as expected.

Your password must be between 15-256 characters and contain lowercase/uppercase letters, digits, and special characters.


  "DatabaseSettings": {

    "Server": ".",

    "Catalog": "InvictiDatabase",

    "IntegratedSecurity": false,

    "UserId": "DbPass",

    "Password": "Your Password",

    "MaxPoolSize": 500,

    "Encrypt": false


 "EncryptionSettings": {

    "SecretKey": ""


  "AccountSettings": {

    "Name": "Your Name",

    "Email": "Your Email",

    "Password": "User Password",

    "ConfirmPassword": "User Password",

    "TimezoneId": "America/New_York",

    "IsAgreementsAccepted": true


  "GeneralSettings": {

    "General": {

      "ServerRootUrl": "http://localhost",

      "UpdateServerUrl": "",

      "EnableServiceDiscovery": true,

      "RadarRootUrl": "",

      "ScanDataPath": "~/App_Data/ScanData/",

      "ScreenshotsPath": "~/Content/images/screenshots/",

      "MaxUploadedFileSize": 10,

      "SalesContactMail": "",

      "SupportContactMail": "",

      "BlueGreenDeploymentEnabled": false,

      "IsAgentSelectionEnabled": true,

      "AgentInactivityTimeoutInMinutes" : 60


    "Security": {

      "AllowedHostControlEnabled": false,

      "LocalhostScanEnabled": false,

      "IpAddresses": [


          "Group": "Infrastructure",

          "Name": "Company Production",

          "Pattern": "^$"



          "Group": "Proxy",

          "Name": "Local IIS (IPv4)",

          "Pattern": "^$"



          "Group": "Proxy",

          "Name": "Local IIS (IPv6)",

          "Pattern": "^::1$"





  "CloudSettings": {

    "Enabled": false,

    "ProviderType": "AWS",

    "WebsiteAccessKey": "Access Key",

    "WebsiteSecretKey": "Secret Key",

    "AgentAccessKey": "Agent Access Key",

    "AgentSecretKey": "Agent Secret Key",

    "DeploymentBucketName": "Sample.Bucket.Deployment.Name/Sample.Name",

    "RegionEndpointName": "eu-west-128",

    "ScanDataBucketName": "Sample.Bucket.ScanData.Name",

    "ScreenshotBucketName": "Sample.Bucket.Screenshot.Name",

    "AgentBucketName": "Sample.Bucket.Agent.Name",

    "CustomizationsBucketName": "Sample.Bucket.Customization.Name",

    "Ec2AgentImageId": "ami-1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h",

    "Ec2LinuxAgentImageId": "ami-1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h",

    "Ec2AgentInstanceAssignedName": "Agent Service",

    "Ec2AgentInstanceSecurityGroup": "sg-sample123",

    "Ec2AgentInstanceType": "m5.xlarge",

    "Ec2AgentSubnetId": "subnet-123456",

    "Ec2KeyPairName": "SampleKeyPair"


  "ScannerAgentSettings": {

    "SkipInstallation": true,

    "AccessToken": "Acess Token"


  "AuthenticationVerifierSettings": {

    "InstallAuthVerifier": false,

    "AccessToken": "Your Access Token",

    "AVServiceUrl": "http://localhost:5000/authverificationhub"


  "EmailSettings": {

    "Enabled": false,

    "Host": "Host Email",

    "Port": 587,

    "UserName": "User Email",

    "Password": "User Password",

    "EnableEncryption": false,

    "AdminNotificationSender": "",

    "AdminNotificationRecipients": "",

    "ErrorNotificationRecipients": "",

    "SupportNotificationRecipients": ""


  "SmsSettings": {

    "SmsEnabled": false,

    "AccountId": "Your Account Id",

    "AuthToken": "Authorization Token",

    "PhoneNumber": "",

    "TestPhoneNumber": ""



How to install Acunetix 360 Web Application Server with JSON file
  1. Open a command prompt window.
  2. Use cd to navigate the directory containing WebAppSetup.exe.
  3. Then, run WebAppSetup.exe /exenoui /qn. Wait for some time for the installation to complete.    


To install the Acunetix 360 Web Application Server to a different location, for example D:, use the following: WebAppSetup.exe /Q APPDIR="D:\Acunetix 360 Web Application" /L*V "install-log.log"

  1. Now, you need to copy, paste, and rename files as instructed below.
  1. Copy and paste the license file, which you were supplied, to the AppData folder in the Web Application installation folder.
  2. Rename the license file as "license.nsc".
  3. Now, copy and paste the silent mode settings file to the AppData folder in the Web Application installation folder.
  4. Rename the file as "silent_mode_settings.json".

  1. Now, open a command prompt window and run the following commands to restart the Acunetix 360 Web Application.
  • cd %systemroot%\system32\inetsrv\
  • appcmd stop site /
  • appcmd start site /


This installation creates a secret_key.json file in the App_Data folder. After the installation, copy and store your secret key, then delete the secret_key.json file for your security.

Installing Acunetix 360 Web Application Server with PowerShell Script

Before you begin, you must:


This topic assumes that you installed the Acunetix 360 Web Application to the default folder. If not, please change the relevant step in the PowerShell script accordingly.

# Go to the installation file path and run WebAppsetup.exe

$process = Start-Process -FilePath ./WebAppSetup.exe -ArgumentList "/exenoui /qn" -PassThru

for($i = 0; $i -le 100; $i = ($i + 1) % 100)


    Write-Progress -Activity "Acunetix 360 Installer" -PercentComplete $i -Status "Installing"

    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100

    if ($process.HasExited) {

        Write-Progress -Activity "Installer" -Completed




Write-Host "Installing finished."

# Go to the license file source path and copy the file destination path

Write-Host "License file copy started."

Copy-Item "license.nsc" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Acunetix 360 Web Application\App_Data"

Write-Host "License file copy finished."

# Go to the silent mode settings file source path and copy the file destination path

Write-Host "Silent mode settings file copy started."

Copy-Item "silent_mode_settings.json" "C:\Program Files (x86)\Acunetix 360 Web Application\App_Data"

Write-Host "Silent mode settings file copy finished."

# Site restart on IIS

Stop-WebSite 'Acunetix360'

Start-WebSite 'Acunetix360'

How to install Acunetix 360 Web Application Server with a Windows PowerShell script
  1. Open a Windows PowerShell window.
  2. Use cd to navigate the directory containing the silent-mode-installation.ps1 file.
  3. Run .\silent-mode-installation.ps1

The PowerShell script installs the web application server and restarts the Acunetix 360 Web Application.


This installation creates a secret_key.json file in the App_Data folder. After the installation, copy and store your secret key, then delete the secret_key.json file for your security.

Installing Acunetix 360 Agent in Silent Mode

The silent mode installation in Acunetix 360 On-Premises helps you to install the Agent. For the manual installation, please see Installing the Acunetix 360 Agent.

This table explains the parameter in the Silent Mode Installation for the agent.



/exenoui /qn

This parameter performs the silent installation without the user interface.


This parameter shows the location of the Agent.


This parameter shows the URL of the Web Application Server.


This parameter displays the API Token.


This parameter displays the name of the Agent.

How to Install Acunetix 360 Agent in the Silent Mode
  1. Open a command prompt window
  2. Run the following command: AgentSetup.exe /exenoui /qn APPDIR="C:\Acunetix 360 Agent" APP_URL_PROP="https://localhost/" APP_TOKEN_PROP="YOUR_TOKEN” AGENT_NAME_PROP="YOUR_AGENT_NAME"

Updating Acunetix 360 Web Application Server and Agent


Using older versions than Acunetix 360 On-Premises 2.2? While updating to Acunetix 360 On-Premises 2.2 or newer versions, the application does not ask you to enter a secret key. You can continue using the application.

However, it is strongly recommended that you generate a new secret key. For further information, see Generating a new secret key in Acunetix 360.

You can update the Acunetix 360 Web Application Server and Agent in silent mode. To update the web application server or agent by using the silent installation, follow the installation instruction. For further information, see Installing Acunetix 360 Web Application Server and Installing Acunetix 360 Agent in Silent Mode.

  • To update, you do not need to create a new database and a new user.
  • Before updating, make sure you entered the Secret Key, if any, to the JSON file.


Should you encounter any problem in the silent mode installation, please check the log files in the AppData folder. If the problem persists, please get in touch with


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