Technologies dashboard

The Technologies dashboard displays charts that provide an overall, cumulative picture of the types and numbers of technologies detected in your scanned web applications for all Website Groups and individual Websites within your Acunetix 360 account. Technologies are all the software versions of servers, databases, client and server-side libraries, and frameworks that are detected as in use on your websites. This document explains the information available to view on the Technologies Dashboard.

To view details of technology stacks used in your web application, see Recent Technologies.

How to view the Technologies Dashboard

The Technologies Dashboard can be accessed by following these steps:

  1. Log in to Acunetix 360.
  2. Select Technologies > Dashboard.
  3. Optionally, switch from the default view to a customized view according to your preference.

Default view

The default view shows information about all your website groups. The information is grouped and displayed on interactive widgets. Each of those widgets is explained in the later sections of this document.

Customized view

Using the Website Group drop-down, you can filter the displayed information by:

  • One of your website groups: This will show aggregated information for all the websites you have assigned to the selected website group.
  • Default: This will show aggregated information for all websites assigned to the default website group. (All new websites you add to your Acunetix 360 account are automatically added to the Default group unless you remove them.)
  • All Websites: This will show aggregated information for all the websites you have added to your Acunetix 360 account (regardless of which website group they are assigned to).

The information displayed on the global dashboard updates as soon as you select a customized view.

Technologies Dashboard widgets

The Technologies Dashboard contains many widgets that display graphs and tables pertaining to your scan results. Refer to the individual sections below to learn about the information displayed on each widget.

Top panel

The top panel of the dashboard showcases the following widgets:

  • Technologies: This widget displays the count of detected technologies, along with the numbers of outdated technologies and detected issues. Clicking on this panel redirects you to the Technologies > Recent Technologies page with a filter set to 'Status = In use'. If a technology has been detected and it is currently being used by the scanned web application, it is marked as ‘In use‘.
  • Active Issues: This widget showcases the total count of active issues and further categorizes them into Critical, High, and Medium severity levels. Clicking on this panel redirects you to the Technologies > Recent Technologies page with a filter set to 'Status = In use' and ‘Issues = yes’.
  • Fixed Issues: This widget presents the number of fixed issues along with their average fix durations. Clicking on this panel redirects you to the Technologies > Recent Technologies page with a filter set to 'Status = In use' and 'Fix time greater than 0'.

Most Identified Technologies

This treemap offers insights into the versions of the most prevalent identified technologies.

Hovering over individual technologies reveals the following details (screenshot below):

  • Identified Technologies: The number of technologies
  • Out-of-date Versions: The count of out-of-date versions
  • Issue Summary: A count of each issue severity level present

Click the icon in the top-right corner to toggle between a table view and a chart view.

Severity Trend

This chart displays the increase or decrease of each Vulnerability Severity Level over time.

Click the icon in the top-right corner to toggle between a table view and a chart view.

Security Overview

The Security Overview widget features a pie chart illustrating website threat levels, categorized as follows:

  • Secure: No Medium, High, or Critical issues detected in the scan.
  • Needs Attention: Some issues require addressing to enhance security.
  • Insecure: The website is insecure and vulnerable to malicious attacks.
  • Critical: The website has critical vulnerabilities that can lead to data compromisation.


The treemap representation of issues offers an overarching view of the current active unresolved issues, grouped by Vulnerability Severity Level. Hover your cursor over each section to view more information on the specific vulnerability severity level.

For further information, see Viewing Issues in Acunetix 360.

Click the icon in the top-right corner to switch between a chart view and a table view.

Out-of-date Technologies

This widget displays the following information for each detected out-of-date Technology used on your websites:  

  • Identified Version: The version number currently in use on the website.
  • Latest Branch Version: If there is a higher branch version on the version your website is using.
  • Overall Latest Version: The most up-to-date version available for the technology.
  • Issues: How many issues are associated with the out-of-date technology.

For example, in the image below, PHP is listed as an out-of-date technology with the identified version as 5.2.6, the latest branch version is 5.2.17, and the overall latest version is 8.3.6.  This information tells you that you can upgrade modestly within the same major version to 5.2.17 or opt for a more substantial upgrade to the latest overall version, 8.3.6.

Clicking on a technology name takes you to the Technology Detail page where you can view more information about the known issues in the detected version of the technology. The See all of out-of-date technologies button takes you to the Technologies > Recent Technologies page.

Issue Fix Time

This widget displays the estimated time required to fix each technology. Clicking on a technology name takes you to the Technology Detail page where you can view more information about the known issues in the detected version of the technology.

Other dashboards

For information about other dashboards available in Acunetix 360, refer to the following documentation:


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