Welcome Wizard
The Welcome Wizard helps you to get oriented in Acunetix 360, stepping through how to add and scan your first website. Default options are selected, to help you proceed quickly through the demonstration.
For further information on how to create a new scan in Acunetix 360, with more customised options, see Creating a New Scan.
How to View the Welcome Wizard
- When you set up your account with Acunetix 360 and log in for the first time, you will see the Welcome Wizard.
- Click Next. The Websites menu opens at the New Website submenu.
- Click New Website. The New Website step is displayed.
- In the Name field, enter the website name and click Next. The URL field is highlighted.
- In the URL field, enter the website URL and click Next. The Website Groups field is highlighted.
- The Website Groups checkbox is enabled by default. Click Next. The Technical Contact field is highlighted.
- In the Technical Contact field, enter an email address, and click Next. The Save button is highlighted (in the Acunetix 360 On-Premises edition only).
- Click Save. The Scans menu opens at the New Scan submenu.
- In the New Scan window, click Next. The Target URL field is highlighted.
- In the Target URL field, enter the URL of the website you want to scan and click Next. The Scan Options dialog is displayed.
- In the Scan Scope section, take a look to orient yourself, and click Next. A Notifications popup is displayed.
- Click Next. The Launch popup is displayed.
- In the Launch dialog, click Launch.