Installing the AcuSensor agent for Java websites – Acunetix 360

Before deploying AcuSensor, note the list of supported servers and frameworks.

Supported Servers and Frameworks

Java Runtime

For any Java Runtime environment that is implemented according to these specifications, the supported versions are:

  • 8.x
  • 11.x
  • 17.x
  • 21.x

Application Servers

  • Apache Tomcat:
  • v8.5.x
  • v9.x
  • v10.0.x
  • v10.1.x
  • Jetty
  • v10.0.x
  • V11.0.x
  • v12.0.x
  • WildFly v26.1.1 Final Standalone
  • JBoss EAP
  • v7.4.x
  • WebSphere Liberty

Database Engines

  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • DB2
  • Oracle
  • Sybase
  • SQLite
  • H2

Other Technologies

  • Axis
  • Freemarker
  • Velocity
  • Hibernate
  • J2EE - Servlet/JSP
  • Struts 2
  • Spring Web, Spring Boot
  • Spring Expression, Java Expression Language (EL)
  • JAX-RS and Jersey
  • JavaMail
  • JPA
  • java.beans
  • SAX, DOM

AcuSensor Network Prerequisites
AcuSensor makes use of the AcuSensor Bridge. For more information, refer to Configuring Acunetix 360 Bridge.

The AcuSensor agent will need to be installed in your web application. The following section describes how to deploy AcuSensor to a Java web application.

How to install the Java AcuSensor agent

To install the Java AcuSensor agent, you need to:

  1. Download the Java AcuSensor agent (AcuSensor (IAST and SCA).jar) from the Acunetix 360 UI. The Java AcuSensor download file includes the AcuSensor Token, which, by default, is unique for each target website URL. Unless the Token has been changed to be the same for all targets, you will need to download the Java AcuSensor agent for each target website separately.
  2. Save the downloaded Java AcuSensor agent to a location on your web server.
  3. Deploy the Java AcuSensor into your web server. This process differs depending on the web server. There are many possible configurations for a Java web server. The guides linked below look at the more common web server configuration possibilities. Use one of the following links for more information on how to deploy AcuSensor for Java on your web application:

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