Deploying AcuSensor for JAVA - Linux (WebSphere Liberty with WAR file)

This guide explains how you can run a Java application in WebSphere Liberty and then use AcuSensor to run an interactive application security testing (IAST) scan for that application.

NOTE: This document assumes WebSphere is installed in /opt/wlp

Step 1: Prepare AcuSensor for Java

In this example, the test application is deployed to the following URL: (in a production environment, you will need to change this to the hostname you will use for your deployment).

  1. Create a new target for your URL.
  2. Download AcuSensor for Java from the Acunetix UI and retain the AcuSensor.jar file for the next step.
  3. On the WebSphere machine:
  • Create a root folder /acusensor
  • Copy the AcuSensor.jar file to /acusensor/AcuSensor.jar

Step 2: Deploy AcuSensor and required components

On the WebSphere machine:

  • Create a file /opt/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/jvm.options, and set the contents as follows:



Step 3: Deploy your application

  1. Copy your axexample-java.war file into the /opt/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/dropins folder.
  2. From the terminal, restart WebSphere with:

/opt/wlp/bin/server stop

/opt/wlp/bin/server start

Step 4: Test and scan your web application

  1. Point your browser to your web application to confirm it is running as intended.
  2. Run a scan on your target. The Activity panel will confirm that AcuSensor was detected and used for the scan.

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