Does Acunetix integrate with Jenkins?

Yes, Acunetix can integrate with Jenkins. Here are some of the more common questions on this topic.

Which edition of Acunetix do I need to use the Acunetix Jenkins plugin?

The Acunetix Jenkins Plugin requires access to the Acunetix API and API key, which is only available in Acunetix Premium and Acunetix Online.

The Target I have set-up in Acunetix is not showing in the drop-down list inside Jenkins.

The Acunetix Jenkins Plugin will display all Targets in an Acunetix installation, with the exception of Targets requiring Manual Intervention as part of their Login Sequence. Please make sure that the Target you wish to select does not make use of Manual Intervention.

How can I differentiate between multiple Targets with the same URL?

If you have multiple Targets with the same URL, it is advised that you enter a description in the Target’s settings to be able to differentiate between them. The Target’s description will show up in Jenkins if one is available.

Why does a scan take long to start?

When Jenkins attempts to start a scan, the scan is placed in a scan queue. If the scan queue is empty, then the scan will start immediately. However, if the maximum number of scans in the scan queue is reached, the scan will wait in the queue until other scans finish processing. This also means that the Jenkins build will not finish processing until the scan is complete.

What happens to the scan if I abort the Jenkins build?

Aborting the Jenkins build will also abort the scan. You may still view partial results inside of Acunetix. Reports will not be automatically generated if the Jenkins build is aborted (you can manually generate reports from within the Acunetix UI).

What happens if I stop an Acunetix scan from the Acunetix UI?

If a scan that was started by Jenkins is stopped from the Acunetix UI (or via the Acunetix API), the Jenkins build will also be aborted. Reports will not be automatically generated if the scan is stopped, however you can manually generate reports from within the Acunetix UI, even for partial scans.

What kind of reports can be generated from Jenkins?

All Standard reports can be generated from Jenkins (Affected Items, Developer, Executive Summary and Quick reports). Compliance reports (PCI DSS, OWASP Top 10, ISO 27001…) for the scans run by Jenkins may be generated from within the Acunetix UI.

What happens to reports generated from Jenkins?

Reports generated from Jenkins are stored in Acunetix and will be made available to users who are authorized to view the Target. An HTML version of the report will also be saved to the Jenkins job workspace. HTML reports saved in the Jenkins job workspace have a filename made up of the build number and index of the report in the same build and the report type (for example – 15_1_Quick.html)

How do I disable or remove the Acunetix Jenkins plugin?

Please refer to this Jenkins article on disabling and removing Jenkins plugins and associated plugin data.

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