Where are Acunetix files stored?

By default, the Acunetix application is installed in:

  • Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Acunetix
  • Linux: /home/acunetix/.acunetix/v_xxxxxxxxx

...and the Acunetix data is stored in:

  • Windows: C:\ProgramData\Acunetix
  • Linux: /home/acunetix/.acunetix/data

...which includes the Acunetix database as well as file uploads such as Login Sequences.

If you are having trouble finding your Acunetix installation on Windows, you can run the following command in Command Prompt or PowerShell.

reg query "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Acunetix Ltd.\Acunetix"

By default, Acunetix logs are stored in:

  • Windows: C:\ProgramData\Acunetix\logs
  • Linux: /home/acunetix/.acunetix/data/logs

However, this location can be changed by modifying the "logging.file.file_name" parameter in the settings file. The settings file is located here:

  • Windows: C:\ProgramData\Acunetix\settings.ini
  • Linux: /home/acunetix/.acunetix/wvs.ini

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