CentOS Update for vsftpd CESA-2008:0579 centos3 x86_64

Please Install the Updated Packages.
vsftpd (Very Secure File Transfer Protocol (FTP) daemon) is a secure FTP server for Linux and Unix-like systems. The version of vsftpd as shipped in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 when used in combination with Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) had a memory leak on an invalid authentication attempt. Since vsftpd prior to version 2.0.5 allows any number of invalid attempts on the same connection this memory leak could lead to an eventual DoS. (CVE-2008-2375) This update mitigates this security issue by including a backported patch which terminates a session after a given number of failed log in attempts. The default number of attempts is 3 and this can be configured using the &quot max_login_fails&quot directive. All vsftpd users should upgrade to this updated package, which addresses this vulnerability.
vsftpd on CentOS 3