Debian Security Advisory DSA 1287-1 (ldap-account-manager (0.4.9-2sarge1))

The remote host is missing an update to ldap-account-manager (0.4.9-2sarge1) announced via advisory DSA 1287-1.
Two vulnerabilities have been identified in the version of ldap-account-manager shipped with Debian 3.1 (sarge). CVE-2006-7191 An untrusted PATH vulnerability could allow a local attacker to execute arbitrary code with elevated privileges by providing a malicious rm executable and specifying a PATH environment variable referencing this executable. CVE-2007-1840 Improper escaping of HTML content could allow an attacker to execute a cross-site scripting attack (XSS) and execute arbitrary code in the victim's browser in the security context of the affected web site. For the old stable distribution (sarge), this problem has been fixed in version 0.4.9-2sarge1. Newer versions of Debian (etch, lenny, and sid), are not affected. We recommend that you upgrade your ldap-account-manager package.