Debian Security Advisory DSA 1387-1 (librpcsecgss)

The remote host is missing an update to librpcsecgss announced via advisory DSA 1387-1.
It has been discovered that the original patch for a buffer overflow in svc_auth_gss.c in the RPCSEC_GSS RPC library in MIT Kerberos 5 (CVE-2007-3999, DSA-1368-1) was insufficient to protect from arbitrary code execution in some environments. The old stable distribution (sarge) does not contain a librpcseggss package. For the stable distribution (etch), this problem has been fixed in version 0.14-2etch3. For the unstable distribution (sid), this problem has been fixed in version 0.14-4. We recommend that you upgrade your librpcsecgss package.