Debian Security Advisory DSA 146-2 (dietlibc)

The remote host is missing an update to dietlibc announced via advisory DSA 146-2.
The upstream author of dietlibc, Felix von Leitner, discovered a potential division by zero chance in the fwrite and calloc integer overflow checks, which are fixed in the version below. The new version includes fixes from DSA 146-1. For completness we enclose the text of the other advisory: An integer overflow bug has been discovered in the RPC library used by dietlibc, a libc optimized for small size, which is derived from the SunRPC library. This bug could be exploited to gain unauthorized root access to software linking to this code. The packages below also fix integer overflows in the calloc, fread and fwrite code. They are also more strict regarding hostile DNS packets that could lead to a vulnerability otherwise. This problem has been fixed in version 0.12-2.4 for the current stable distribution (woody) and in version 0.20-0cvs20020808 for the unstable distribution (sid). Debian 2.2 (potato) is not affected since it doesn't contain dietlibc packages. We recommend that you upgrade your dietlibc packages immediately.