Debian Security Advisory DSA 1473-1 (scponly)

The remote host is missing an update to scponly announced via advisory DSA 1473-1.
Joachim Breitner discovered that Subversion support in scponly is inherently insecure, allowing execution of arbitrary commands. Further investigation showed that rsync and Unison support suffer from similar issues. This set of issues has been assigned CVE-2007-6350. In addition, it was discovered that it was possible to invoke with scp with certain options that may lead to execution of arbitrary commands (CVE-2007-6415). This update removes Subversion, rsync and Unison support from the scponly package, and prevents scp from being invoked with the dangerous options. For the stable distribution (etch), these problems have been fixed in version 4.6-1etch1. For the old stable distribution (sarge), these problems have been fixed in version 4.0-1sarge2. The unstable distribution (sid) will be fixed soon. We recommend that you upgrade your scponly package.