Debian Security Advisory DSA 1627-2 (opensc)

The remote host is missing an update to opensc announced via advisory DSA 1627-2.
The previous security update for opensc had a too strict check for vulnerable smart cards. It could flag cards as safe even though they may be affected. This update corrects that problem. We advise users of the smart cards concerned to re-check their card after updating the package, following the procedure outlined in the original advisory text below. Chaskiel M Grundman discovered that opensc, a library and utilities to handle smart cards, would initialise smart cards with the Siemens CardOS M4 card operating system without proper access rights. This allowed everyone to change the card's PIN. With this bug anyone can change a user PIN without having the PIN or PUK or the superusers PIN or PUK. However it can not be used to figure out the PIN. If the PIN on your card is still the same you always had, there's a reasonable chance that this vulnerability has not been exploited. This vulnerability affects only smart cards and USB crypto tokens based on Siemens CardOS M4, and within that group only those that were initialised with OpenSC. Users of other smart cards and USB crypto tokens, or cards that have been initialised with some software other than OpenSC, are not affected. After upgrading the package, running pkcs15-tool -T will show you whether the card is fine or vulnerable. If the card is vulnerable, you need to update the security setting using: pkcs15-tool -T -U For the stable distribution (etch), this problem has been fixed in version 0.11.1-2etch2. For the unstable distribution (sid), this problem has been fixed in version 0.11.4-5. We recommend that you upgrade your opensc package and check your card(s)