Fedora Core 12 FEDORA-2009-11710 (wordpress)

The remote host is missing an update to wordpress announced via advisory FEDORA-2009-11710.
Apply the appropriate updates. This update can be installed with the yum update program. Use su -c 'yum update wordpress' at the command line. For more information, refer to Managing Software with yum, available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/. https://secure1.securityspace.com/smysecure/catid.html?in=FEDORA-2009-11710
Update Information: 2.8.6 fixes two security problems that can be exploited by registered, logged in users who have posting privileges. If you have untrusted authors on your blog, upgrading to 2.8.6 is recommended. ChangeLog: * Mon Nov 16 2009 Adrian Reber - 2.8.6-2 - updated to 2.8.6 (Security Release)