Fedora Core 9 FEDORA-2009-5118 (giflib)

The remote host is missing an update to giflib announced via advisory FEDORA-2009-5118.
Apply the appropriate updates. This update can be installed with the yum update program. Use su -c 'yum update giflib' at the command line. For more information, refer to Managing Software with yum, available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/. https://secure1.securityspace.com/smysecure/catid.html?in=FEDORA-2009-5118
Update Information: - CVE-2005-2974: NULL pointer dereference crash (#494826) - CVE-2005-3350: Memory corruption via a crafted GIF (#494823) - Solved multilib problems with documentation (#465208, #474538) - Removed static library from giflib-devel package (#225796 #c1) ChangeLog: * Sat May 16 2009 Robert Scheck 4.1.3-10 - CVE-2005-2974: NULL pointer dereference crash (#494826) - CVE-2005-3350: Memory corruption via a crafted GIF (#494823) - Solved multilib problems with documentation (#465208, #474538) - Removed static library from giflib-devel package (#225796 #c1)