FreeBSD Ports: thunderbird

The remote host is missing an update to the system as announced in the referenced advisory.
Update your system with the appropriate patches or software upgrades.
The following packages are affected: thunderbird de-linux-mozillafirebird el-linux-mozillafirebird firefox ja-linux-mozillafirebird-gtk1 ja-mozillafirebird-gtk2 linux-mozillafirebird ru-linux-mozillafirebird zhCN-linux-mozillafirebird zhTW-linux-mozillafirebird de-netscape7 fr-netscape7 ja-netscape7 netscape7 pt_BR-netscape7 mozilla-gtk1 linux-mozilla linux-mozilla-devel mozilla de-linux-netscape fr-linux-netscape ja-linux-netscape linux-netscape linux-phoenix mozilla+ipv6 mozilla-embedded mozilla-firebird mozilla-gtk2 mozilla-gtk mozilla-thunderbird phoenix CVE-2004-0765 The cert_TestHostName function in Mozilla before 1.7, Firefox before 0.9, and Thunderbird before 0.7, only checks the hostname portion of a certificate when the hostname portion of the URI is not a fully qualified domain name (FQDN), which allows remote attackers to spoof trusted certificates.