SuSE Update for bash openSUSE-SU-2014:1226-1 (bash)

Please Install the Updated Packages.
bash was updated to fix a critical security issue, a minor security issue and bugs: In some circumstances, the shell would evaluate shellcode in environment variables passed at startup time. This allowed code execution by local or remote attackers who could pass environment variables to bash scripts. (CVE-2014-6271) Fixed a temporary file misuse in _rl_tropen (bnc#868822) Even if used only by developers to debug readline library do not open temporary files from public location without O_EXCL (CVE-2014-2524) Additional bugfixes: - Backported corrected german error message for a failing getpwd (bnc#895475) - Add bash upstream patch 47 to fix a problem where the function that shortens pathnames for $PS1 according to the value of $PROMPT_DIRTRIM uses memcpy on potentially-overlapping regions of memory, when it should use memmove. The result is garbled pathnames in prompt strings. - Add bash upstream patch 46 to fix a problem introduced by patch 32 a problem with '$@' and arrays expanding empty positional parameters or array elements when using substring expansion, pattern substitution, or case modfication. The empty parameters or array elements are removed instead of expanding to empty strings (''). - Add bash-4.2-strcpy.patch from upstream mailing list to patch collection tar ball to avoid when using \w in the prompt and changing the directory outside of HOME the a strcpy work on overlapping memory areas.
bash on openSUSE 13.1, openSUSE 12.3