SuSE Update for ca-certificates-mozilla openSUSE-SU-2013:1870-1 (ca-certificates-mozilla)

Please Install the Updated Packages.
The Mozilla CA certificates package was updated to match the current Mozilla revision 1.95 of certdata.txt. It blacklists some misused certificate authorities, adds some new and adjusts some others. On openSUSE 13.1 a problem with names was also fixed. * distrust: AC DG Tresor SSL (bnc#854367) * new: CA_Disig_Root_R1: server auth, code signing, email signing * new: CA_Disig_Root_R2: server auth, code signing, email signing * new: China_Internet_Network_Information_Center_EV_Certificates_Ro ot: server auth * changed: t removed code signing and server auth abilities * changed: Digital_Signature_Trust_Co._Global_CA_3: rt removed code signing and server auth abilities * new: D-TRUST_Root_Class_3_CA_2_2009: server auth * new: D-TRUST_Root_Class_3_CA_2_EV_2009: server auth * removed: Equifax_Secure_eBusiness_CA_2: * new: PSCProcert:2.1.11.crt server auth, code signing, email signing * new: Swisscom_Root_CA_2: . server auth, code signing, email signing * new: Swisscom_Root_EV_CA_2: server auth, code signing * changed: TC_TrustCenter_Universal_CA_III: . removed all abilities * new: TURKTRUST_Certificate_Services_Provider_Root_2007:2.1.1.crt server auth, code signing * changed: TWCA_Root_Certification_Authority:2.1.1.crt added code signing ability
ca-certificates-mozilla on openSUSE 11.4