SuSE Update for icedtea-web openSUSE-SU-2012:0981-1 (icedtea-web)

Please Install the Updated Packages.
- update to 1.2.1 (bnc#773458) - Security Updates * CVE-2012-3422, RH840592: Potential read from an uninitialized memory location * CVE-2012-3423, RH841345: Incorrect handling of not 0-terminated strings - NetX * PR898: signed applications with big jnlp-file doesn't start (webstart affect like &quot frozen&quot ) * PR811: javaws is not handling urls with spaces (and other characters needing encoding) correctly * 816592: icedtea-web not loading GeoGebra java applets in Firefox or Chrome - Plugin * PR863: Error passing strings to applet methods in Chromium * PR895: IcedTea-Web searches for missing classes on each loadClass or findClass * PR518: NPString.utf8characters not guaranteed to be nul-terminated - Common * RH838417: Disambiguate signed applet security prompt from certificate warning * RH838559: Disambiguate signed applet security prompt from certificate warning
icedtea-web on openSUSE 12.1, openSUSE 11.4