WordPad and Office Text Converter Memory Corruption Vulnerability (960477)

This host is missing a critical security update according to Microsoft Bulletin MS09-010.
Successful exploitation will let the attacker craft malicious arbitrary codes into the files and can trick the user to open those crafted documents which may lead to remote arbitrary code execution inside the context of the affected system. Impact Level: System
Run Windows Update and update the listed hotfixes or download and update mentioned hotfixes in the advisory from the below link, http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/ms09-010.mspx
- Input validation error when parsing document files i.e. Office files, RTF, Wordperfect files or Write files.
WordPad on MS Windows 2K/XP/2K3 MS Office 2000 Word Service Pack 3 MS Office XP Word Service Pack 3 MS Office Converters Pack