New Features and Vulnerability tests
- Updated detection of Drupal installations
- Changed to a more moderate definition of a Target for licensing purposes
- Number of Targets and Users configured are now shown in the UI > Licensing section
- UI now shows if the latest build is being used, and allows the user to check for updates manually
- Multiple updates and fixes to the HTML parser
- Multiple updates and fixes to the Acunetix UI
- Auto-login was making unnecessary requests
- Some vulnerabilities were showing 'null' URL
- Data from AcuSensor was not being interpreted correctly
- Account lockout settings were not being saved
- Fix in the scanner which was making some vulnerability checks not to work
- Some vulnerability checks making unnecessary requests
- Some vulnerability details where not being encoded correctly
- Custom 404 detection was not working
- Fix in AcuMonitor affecting some tests
- DeepScan was not interpreting correctly paths containing a dot