New Features
- Introduced support for processing of Swagger 2.0 files during scans
- Introduced support for Swagger 2.0 files as import files
- New Quarterly scheduled scan option
- Users can change their password from the Acunetix UI
New Vulnerability Checks
- Minor UI updates
- Better reporting of scans interrupted due to network errors
- Client Certificate address can now be configured for a Target
- HTTP Authentication address can now be configured for a Target
- Abort Scan after 25 network errors
- Implemented Proof of Exploit for Blind SQL Injection vulnerabilities
- Improved showing Scan Duration for long scans
- Acunetix can be installed in custom paths
- Scan email notifications will include a PDF report if requested at start of scan
- Email notifications can be configured for:
- Product updates
- Target notifications
- Scan notifications
- Report notifications
- Monthly status updates
- Fixed: On Reports page, Target address shows as N/A for Targets that do not have a Description
- Fixed issue uploading import files larger than 1mb
- Fixed issue whereby some addresses had missing a character in the report
- Fixed false positive in Possible server path disclosure
- Fixed issue causing the scanner to not following multiple redirects
- Fixed 2 scanner crashes
- Multiple fixes in WADL parser
- Fixed: Case Sensitive Paths settings was sometimes not being taken into consideration
- Fixed issue in Possible Sensitive Directories identifying incorrect locations
- Fixed issue for users with expired passwords not given the option to change their password