New Features
- Logon Banner can be configured for Acunetix logon page (satisfies DOD Notice and Consent Banner requirement)
- Added ability to export vulnerabilities to CSV (available as WAF Export option)
- Added ability to export scan locations to CSV (available as WAF Export option)
New Vulnerability Checks
- Improved handling of Swagger
- The scanner will try to detect differences in the site using different user-agents
- Various minor UI updates
- Added Scan Profile used in Scan results
- Business Logic Recorder cannot be used on Targets which require Manual Intervention
- Updated Jira issue tracker
- Improved error shown when checking for updates fails
- Updated import file feature to support files using BOM
- Comprehensive report tags vulnerabilities detected by AcuSensor and AcuMonitor
- Fixed issue causing multi-line session detection not to be used during scan
- Updated Jira issue tracker to use proxy server if configured
- Fixed issue causing gzip encoded body of HTTP responses to become invalidated
- Fixed: Printing the Coverage report would not print the sitemap in the report
- Fixed issue causing some login forms not to be detected during the scan
- Fixed timing issue when scheduling a scan for a future date
- Fixed scanner crashes caused by specific import files
- Fixed issue causing DeepScan not to be used on Kali Linux
- Fixed false positive in Zend Framework LFI via XXE
- Fixed issue causing some scans to fail because of the client certificate
- Fixed issue causing LSR playback to fail for some scans
- Fixed issue in New Scan dialog for Tech Admin users