
Acunetix Standard & Premium

RSS Feed

v7.0.20101115 - 15 Nov 2010

Build v7.0.20101115- 15th November 2010

New features

  • Ability to stop individual running security scripts during a scan

Major Improvements

  • Introduced a good number of CSA engine improvements; better support of JQuery and Web 2.0 applications
  • Introduced a number of new XSS security checks

Bug fixes

  • Fixed: Memory leak in NTLM authentication
  • Fixed: Incorrect interpratation of links with leading “//”
  • Fixed: Access violation crashes in HTTP Sniffer for certain SSL websites

v7.0.20101028 - 28 Oct 2010

Build v7.0.20101028- 28th October 2010

Bug fixes

  • Fixed: Replay of recorded login sequences was not working properly in the free version
  • Fixed: NTML authentication was not working properly when using specific type of credentials
  • Fixed: Crash in Login Sequence Recorder while detecting invalid session on some particular websites
  • Bugfix: Fixed XSS tests to automatically follow redirects
  • Bugfix: Fixed script error in ASP.NET padding oracle test

v7.0.20101012 - 12 Oct 2010

Build v7.0.20101012 - 12th October 2010

Bug fixes

  • Fixed: Client Script Analyser engine was blocking if insertAdjacentHTML used on an element without parent
  • Fixed: “Accept” header was not sent by the advanced penetration testing tools

v7.0.20100921 - 22 Sep 2010

Build v7.0.20100921 - 22nd September 2010

New Security Check

  • Added a security check for the latest OpenX OFC file upload vulnerability
  • Added a ASP.NET security check for the ASP.NET padding Oracle vulnerability


  • Reduced the number of false positives for Blind SQL injections security checks
  • Improved Blind SQL injection tests by adding a number of new tests to detect blind SQL injections in UPDATE/INSERT/…

Bug fixes

  • Fixed: Cookie encoding didn’t worked as expected in some cases
  • Fixed: Cookie were not always imported from AcuSensor data

v7.0.20100902 - 02 Sep 2010

Build v7.0.20100902 - 2nd September 2010

New Features

  • Added the option to mark a whole group or node alerts as false positive via right click

Bug fixes

  • Problems with proxy authentication didn’t allow proxy users to run scans
  • Mark Alert as false positive was not working properly in some cases

v7.0.20100901 - 01 Sep 2010

Build v7.0.20100901 - 1st September 2010 - NEW VERSION

New Features

  • New scanning engine – faster and reports more vulnerabilities
  • New vulnerability verifying techniques to reduce false positives
  • New site crawler – ability to crawl a wider range of websites and find more parameters
  • Scriptable Vulnerabilities – now vulnerability checks are written in JavaScript
  • Ability to analyse website presentation layer to better understand website parameters’ functions
  • Graphical Scan status interface presents you with more scan information
  • Re-scan single vulnerability to avoid launching repetitive scans to verify fixes
  • Support for HTTP Keep-alive
  • DNS Caching to reduce multiple DNS requests
  • Ability to control delay between requests
  • HTTP authentication settings node – support for granular specifications of HTTP credentials
  • Support for digest HTTP authentication mechanism
  • AcuSensor Technology test button to quickly verify installation of remote AcuSensor agent
  • Different variants of the same vulnerability are consolidated under one alert node
  • Ability to specify label or tag instead of actual website parameter name in Input Fields node
  • Option to automatically randomize input for parameters specific in Input Fields node

New security checks

  • Test for SQL Injection in URI
  • Stored SQL injection
  • Stored file inclusion
  • Stored directory traversal
  • Stored code execution
  • Stored file tampering
  • A whole new set of more advanced WebDav auditing checks
  • Automated form based authentication auditing checks (e.g. check if credentials can be brute forced)

Major Improvements

  • Consumes less bandwidth
  • Improved network traffic handling
  • HTTP authentication is now shared between all penetration testing tools
  • Improved HTTP Snifffer / Manual crawling process
  • Improved support for Web 2.0 requests and responses e.g. JSON, XML etc
  • Support for a wider variety of content-types
  • Improved Web 2.0 session management support
  • Imrpoved XSS (Cross-site scripting) security checks and detection rate
  • Added a number of new and improved existing web server security auditing techniques
  • Improved file upload security checks
  • Improved DNS auditing scripts

v6.5.20100616 - 16 Jun 2010

Build v6.5.20100616 - 16th June 2010


  • All vulnerability checks which used test websites, now are using

v6.5.20100601 - 19 Apr 2010

Build v6.5.20100601 - 19th April 2010

New Feature

  • Added OWASP top 10 2010 report template

Bug Fix

  • Fixed: Proxy crashes when processing some specific SSL traffic

v6.5.20100419 - 19 Apr 2010

Build v6.5.20100419 - 19th April 2010

Bug Fix

  • Fixed: Access violation when the application exits

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