Acunetix Premium - v24.2.240226074

New features

  • Added the ability to use Aria Roles to provide better coverage
  • Introduced PCI DSS 4.0 report. Note that PCI DSS 3.2 will reach the end of its support or relevance by the end of March
  • .NET IAST now supports .NET 8 (currently in Open Beta)

New security checks


  • Updated Chromium to 121.0.6167.139/140
  • Improved detection of DOM-based Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
  • Improved the way that "Content Security Policy Misconfiguration" alerts are reported
  • Improved detection of Client Side Prototype Pollution (CSPP)
  • IAST scans will start reporting the IAST sensor version used for the scan
  • New column "Result" is shown in the list of scans to provide more details about scan outcome
  • Enhanced support for OTP apps by displaying the activation code next to the QR code
  • Improved crawling of Single Page Applications (SPA) that are using Ionic Framework
  • Added the ability to scan web applications which require browsing in a single browser tab
  • Upgraded user experience of in-app notifications - Updated UX of notifications dropdown
  • When accessing the application from a different location or browser, all other sessions are promptly terminated. Previously, users were notified, causing inconvenience when working from various locations


  • Fixed a bug caused by the engine not respecting Cache-Control directive
  • In rare situations, a report being generated could have resulted in an Internal server error. This issue has now been fixed
  • Fixed several minor user experience issues across the application
  • Removed deprecated X-Frame Options check