Introduction to the dashboards

In Acunetix 360, the Dashboards enable you to view scan results, vulnerabilities, issues, statistics and other information from a single window, both while scans are running and once they are completed.

Viewing the global dashboard in Acunetix 360

The Acunetix 360 global dashboard provides you with an overview of the security status of all Website Groups and Websites in your Acunetix 360 account.

In the panel at the top of the window, you can see the following:

  • USERS displays the number of current and active users on your account in the last week
  • WEBSITES displays the number of websites on your account
  • COMPLETED SCANS displays the number of finished scans
  • ACTIVE ISSUES displays the number of Issues that remain unresolved
  • WEBSITE GROUP DROP-DOWN displays the security status of all your websites or certain groups only. The options are All Websites, Default, and Your Website Groups.
  • DATE RANGE lets you filter the information visible on the global dashboard based on the date range you selected. The default range is three months. The date range affects Severity Trend, Issues, Security Overview, Average Time to Fix, and Fixed Issues information.

For further information, see Global Dashboard Panels.

Global dashboard panels

This table lists and explains the panels in the Global Dashboard window.



Severity Trend

This chart displays the increase or decrease of each Vulnerability Severity Level over time.


This doughnut chart displays the number of vulnerabilities found, grouped by Vulnerability Severity Level, in proportion to the total detected.

For further information, see Vulnerability Severity Levels.


This clustered column chart shows the number of Issues found, grouped by Vulnerability Severity Level.

For further information, see Viewing Issues in Acunetix 360.

Security Overview

This doughnut chart displays the total number of Critical and Insecure issues.

Average Time to Fix

This is a column chart that displays the average length of time it takes for Issues to be fixed, grouped by Vulnerability Severity Level. It is visible to all global dashboard users but hidden if there are no fixed issues in the target account.

Fixed Issues

This is a column chart that displays the number of Issues that have been fixed in each Vulnerability Severity Level.

Next Scheduled Scans

This is a panel that displays a list of Scheduled Scans. For further information, see Scheduling Scans.

Recent Scans

This panel displays a list of Recent Scans. Hover the mouse over various icons to see what types and numbers of Vulnerabilities have been detected.

Further options include:

Latest To Do Issues

This panel displays the latest detected Issues, with an icon indicating their Vulnerability Severity Level.

Websites That Have Shortest Fix Time

This panel displays websites and estimates the required time to fix all issues identified in the website. Further options include:

Most Identified Technologies

This panel provides details of the versions of the most common identified technologies.

How to view the global dashboard in Acunetix 360

The global dashboard is displayed, by default, as soon as you log in. Alternatively, from the main menu, select Websites & APIs > Dashboard to view the global dashboard.

For further information, see Global Dashboard Panels above.

Viewing the website or API dashboard

The website dashboard enables you to view the results of the latest security scan for a single website – while the scan is running and once it has been completed. You can also view other completed security scans with the same configuration, such as those with the same Scan Policy and Scan Settings.

In the panel at the top of the window, you can see the following:

  • [NAME OF WEBSITE] displays the name of the website with a Launch a Scan button
  • ISSUES displays the number (if any) of issues detected on a particular website since the last scan
  • SCHEDULED SCAN displays information of any scheduled scans, along with a Schedule a scan button
  • LATEST REPORT has a Report button
  • SCAN GROUP drop-down menu displays the security status of an individual website, grouped by Scan Groups.

Website dashboard panels

This table lists and explains the panels in the Scan Summary Dashboard window.



Severity Trend

This chart displays the increase or decrease of each Vulnerability Severity Level over time.

Select Trend Matrix Report (Severity Trend Report) for a more comprehensive overview.


This doughnut chart displays the number of vulnerabilities found, grouped by Vulnerability Severity Level, in proportion to the total detected.

For further information, see Vulnerability Severity Levels.


This clustered column chart shows the number of Issues found, grouped by Vulnerability Severity Level.

For further information, see Viewing Issues in Acunetix 360.

Security Overview

This doughnut chart displays the total number of Critical and Insecure Issues.

Average Time to Fix

This is a column chart that displays how long it takes for Issues to be fixed on average, grouped by Vulnerability Severity Level.

Fixed Issues

This is a column chart that displays the number of Issues that have been fixed in each Vulnerability Severity Level.


This is a list of all the issues detected in the scan.

Relevant Notifications

This is a list of all Notifications for the scan, including:

  • Name
  • Event
  • Email Recipients
  • SMS Recipients

Website Name

This panel lists the website's name and group. Further options include:

  • Select More to view Issues, Scans, or Scheduled Scans
  • Select Edit to edit the website
  • Select Delete to delete it. When you delete a website, there is no way to bring it or its data back.

Recent Scans

This displays a list of Recent Scans. Hover the mouse over various icons to see what types of Vulnerabilities have been detected. Further options include:

License Status

This panel contains the subscription expiry date.

Most Identified Technologies

This panel provides details of the versions of the most common identified technologies.


This is the number of detected technologies, including out of date ones, and issues.

How to view the website dashboard in Acunetix 360

  1. Log in to Acunetix 360.
  2. From the main menu, select Websites & APIs > Websites & APIs.
  3. Select any Name of any websites listed on the Websites page.

For further information, see Website dashboard panels.


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