Verify Target Ownership in Acunetix 360

When you add a new target in Acunetix 360, you need to verify its ownership. You can use one of a number of verification methods listed:

  • HTML File Upload Verification
  • Meta Tag Verification
  • TXT Record in DNS Verification
  • Email Verification (simplest method)



If you have a large number of targets or you are unable to use any of the verification methods listed, contact us on so that we can whitelist your account.

You need to have access to the target for this verification method.

For further information, see Add a Target in Acunetix 360 and Import Targets in Acunetix 360.

How to Verify Ownership of a Target by HTML File Upload
  1. From the sidebar, click Targets, then Manage Targets.
  2. Next to the relevant target, click Edit. The Edit Target page is displayed.
  3. Click Verify. The Verify Ownership page is displayed.
  4. By default, the File Upload method is displayed.

  1. Click Download your verification file. The Save dialog is displayed. Select a Save location, then upload it to the root folder of your target.
  2. Click Verify that is correctly set up to see if the file has been uploaded correctly.
  3. Click Verify.
  4. The URL field in the Edit Target page displays a green Verified button, and you are authorized to scan that target.
How to Verify Ownership of a Target by Meta Tag
  1. From the sidebar, click Targets, then Manage Targets.
  2. Next to the relevant target, click Edit. The Edit Targets page is displayed.
  3. Click Verify. The Verify Ownership page is displayed.
  4. Select the Alternate Methods tab.
  5. Choose HTML tag.
  6. Copy the meta tag text from the field and paste it into the <head> tags in the target’s home page.

  1. Click Verify.
  2. The URL field in the Edit Target page displays a green Verified button, meaning you are now authorized to scan that target.
How to Verify Ownership of a Target by TXT Record in DNS
  1. From the sidebar, click Targets, then Manage Targets.
  2. Next to the relevant target, click Edit. The Edit Target page is displayed.
  3. Click Verify. The Verify Ownership page is displayed.
  4. Click Alternate Methods.
  5. Choose DNS record.

  1. To use this DNS verification method you need to be able to add a new record to the domain's DNS zone. Add a new TXT record in your domain's zone. The Domain Name and Record (value) for the new TXT DNS record are specified in the verification step.
  2. Click Verify.
  3. The URL field in the Edit Target page displays a green Verified button, and you are authorized to scan that target.
How to Verify Ownership of a Target by Email



If your Acunetix 360 account is already configured to verify by email (there is an email address listed in the domain's WHOIS entry), you will receive a prompt to do so, when you add a target. (Alternatively, you can select another method at this point.) If not, you can follow these instructions.

  1. From the sidebar, click Targets, then Manage Targets.
  2. Next to the relevant target, click Edit. The Edit Target page is displayed.
  3. Click Verify. The Verify Ownership page is displayed.
  4. Click Alternate Methods.

  1. Click the Email tab.

Screenshot 5 – Email verification method in Netsparker Cloud

  1. Acunetix 360 sends an email containing a verification link to the email address listed in the domain's WHOIS entry. Once the verification link is clicked, the URL field in the Edit Target page displays a green Verified button, and you are authorized to scan that target.


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