Don't be an A$$

Welcome back from Summer, and I hope everyone has had a great break.  Myself, I was able to take some time in July, but got real busy in August.  During the summer I helped two very close friends with some significant IT issues which made…

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Cloud Computing Benefits

Mention “the cloud” and many who are not heavily involved in the preparation and creation of internet-based resources will turn their heads skyward.  To be fair, cloud computing can be a difficult concept to grasp even for those who work within the IT industry because…

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Dangerous XSS vulnerability found on YouTube – vulnerability explained

On the 4th of July 2010 YouTube users began complaining that their videos had been hijacked, the comments section of their videos seemed to be most severely affected, many complained that old comments vanished and new comments could not be added. Others reported that offensive messages were popping up on their screen or scrolling horizontally in large fonts and striking colors. Some users also seemed to suggest that there were experiencing page redirects, often to sites promoting pornographic content.

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