You can reach the latest technical information here: Adding Custom Vulnerability Checks to Your Acunetix Installation

Although Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner (WVS) includes most of the checks that you may require to perform a comprehensive scan of your site, there might be situations where you need to create checks for something which is specific to your environment, or possibly checks for new vulnerabilities or variants of existing vulnerabilities that you might have identified. This article explains the tools that are available in Acunetix WVS that allow you to create such custom checks.

Acunetix Script Overview

Before you start writing your own checks, you should first familiarise yourself with tools that you have available to build your custom checks. You also need to get a good understanding of the different types of scripts that you can create, and when each of these are executed while scanning your site. For example there are scripts that are executed on each folder, while there are other scripts that are executed for each file that is discovered during the scan.

You can find more information about all this here. You will also be able to download the WVS Scripting Tool from the same article.

Acunetix SDK Scripting Reference

After getting a good understanding of the tools and the different types of scripts, you can prepare to get your hands dirty with some development work. The SDK Scripting Reference documents all the components, methods and properties that you can access in your custom checks.


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