Managing Team Members in Acunetix 360

Acunetix 360 allows you to add and manage members with a range of secure permissions that enable access control. You also have the ability to assign them to Direct Roles, Website Groups, and Teams.

  • Acunetix 360 helps you to safeguard your web application against malicious attacks by providing you with secure options when adding members to your team.
  • You can add developers, analysts, executives, and others as members to ensure that everyone who is involved in securing the web application can coordinate and perform their roles safely.
  • While adding new members, you can grant them different permissions. You can assign them to the existing Direct Roles, Website Groups, and Teams.
  • Alternatively, you can create a unique role so that a single member with only one, unique task to perform has the correct access. For example, you can give a member permission only to start a scan. Or, you can add executives with permissions only to view reports or progress (to save them from having to request the information from others).

This article explains how to add, edit, and delete members. For more information about team management, refer to Managing Teams in Acunetix 360 and Managing Roles in Acunetix 360.


Adding your users and/or groups with SCIM 2.0? You can if you have an Azure AD or Okta account. For further information, refer to Configuring Azure Active Directory Integration with SCIM in Acunetix 360 and Configuring Okta Integration with SCIM.

How to add a new team member

  1. Log in to Acunetix 360.
  2. From the main menu, select Team > New Member Invitation.

  1. In the Name field, enter the person’s full name.
  2. In the Email field, enter the person's email address.
  3. In the SSO Email field, enter the person's SSO email address (this is displayed only if you enabled the Use Alternate Login Email in the Single Sign-On settings.)
  4. From the Phone Number field's country flag drop-down, select the relevant country and enter the person's telephone number.
  5. In the Allowed Website Limit, move the slider left or right to set the maximum number of websites a member can add.
  6. In the Direct Roles section, select Assign Role, if necessary.
  • In the Roles and Website Groups list, select the checkboxes as required to assign roles and website groups to the new member, and select Assign Role.

  1. In the Teams section, select Assign Team, if necessary.
  • In the Teams dialog, select the checkbox(es) as required to assign a team to the new member, then click Assign to Team.

  1. Enable API Access to grant members permission to access the API settings, if required.
  2. Select the Provision new member with SSO checkbox, if necessary. (For further information about provisioning, refer to Provisioning a Member.)
  3. Select Send Invitation.


You can add a new member without specifying a Direct Role, Team, and Website Group.

If you assign members to a team, they inherit its current permissions, even if you did not select any roles.

Provisioning a team member

Acunetix 360 lets you provision a member from the New Team Member page. When you enable the Provision new member with SSO checkbox, a new member will be able to log in to Acunetix 360 directly. Members will receive an email notifying them that they can log in to their accounts without setting a password.

You can also enable this SSO login via your identity provider. While configuring attribute statements, you can add an attribute as OnlySsoLogin, so these users can log in to Acunetix 360 via SSO. For more information, refer to Configuring SAML-Based Single Sign-On Integration.

Please note that you should configure the Single Sign-On before adding members with SSO. For further information, refer to Single Sign-On Settings and Single Sign-On Providers.

How to provision a new team member

  1. From the main menu, select Team > New Team Member.
  2. Complete the remainder of the fields, as described in How to Add a Team Member.
  3. Select the Provision New Member with SSO checkbox.
  4. Select Provision.

Please note that users that were provisioned cannot be account administrators and change their password.

How to resend a new team member invitation

  1. From the main menu, select Team > Invitations.
  2. Next to the relevant person, select Email.
  3. In the confirmation dialog, select Yes, send it.

How to delete a new team member invitation

  1. From the main menu, select Team > Invitations.
  2. Next to the relevant person, click the Delete icon.
  3. In the confirmation dialog, select Delete.

How to edit a team member

  1. From the main menu, select Team > Manage Members.
  2. Next to the relevant person, select Edit. Make the required changes to the member's contact details, credentials, roles, or teams.
  3. Click Save.


To edit and/or delete members, they have to have completed the registration steps. Otherwise, you cannot edit and/or delete them via the Update Member page.

How to delete a team member

  1. From the main menu, select Team > Manage Members.
  2. Next to the relevant person, click Delete.
  1. In the confirmation dialog, select Delete.


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