Managing Roles in Acunetix 360

Acunetix 360 allows you to create roles with preferred and secure permissions. You can add developers, analysts, and other people as team members, and assign them different permissions so they can coordinate and perform their roles safely. This document explains the built-in roles and how to add, edit, and delete roles. It also provides a list of the available role permission fields.

Greater flexibility and granularity

You can assign team members to existing roles, website groups, and teams. Or, you can create a unique role so that a team member with a specific task to perform has the correct access. For example, you can have a user who can start a web application security scan but cannot view the scan's reports. Or, that user can view IP restrictions but cannot add or edit these restrictions.

Built-in roles

You have the option to assign both custom roles and built-in roles to your users. While custom roles offer greater flexibility and granularity, built-in roles can provide a convenient starting point for organizing your teams.

The following table lists and explains the available built-in roles.



Account Owner

Gives users all the permissions in an Acunetix 360 account. An Account Owner has all permissions to manage scans, reporting, settings, policies, and issues.

Account Administrator

Gives users permission to manage all other team members and their permissions. An Account Administrator also has permission to manage scans, reporting, settings, policies, and issues.

Manage Websites

Gives users permission to add/update the website, manage website groups, and list usernames.

Start Scans

Gives users the same permission as Manage Issues. In addition, they have permission to start scans, manage scheduled scans, and manage scan policies.

View Scan Reports

Gives users the same permission as Manage Issues, except they cannot update issues.

Manage Issues

Gives users permission to view dashboards and scan reports, list usernames and scans, create reports, and view and update issues.

Manage Issues (Restricted)

Gives users permission to view scan reports and manage issues (as with Manage Issues), except they cannot update the status of addressed issues as Accepted Risk or False Positive.

Team Administrator (Limiting Role)

Gives users permission to manage role assignments for Teams. A Team Administrator can assign certain roles and website groups to a specific Team or to Members of a Team.

Note: Assigning this role limits the user to only managing roles and permissions for the team(s) they are assigned to. The Team Administrator role is intended for customers who need to prevent users from one agency or department from accessing vulnerability data for another unit within the same account.

For more information, refer to Managing Team Members, Managing Teams, and The Team Administrator Role. For detailed information about the list of all permissions, refer to Role Permission Fields.

How to add a new role

  1. Log in to Acunetix 360.
  2. Select Team > New Role from the left-side menu.


  1. Enter a Name for the role.
  2. In the Permissions field, select permissions to add to the role.

TIP: You can use the Filter Permissions field to search for permissions. 

  1. Click Save to create a new role.

How to edit a role

NOTE: You cannot edit or delete built-in roles created by Acunetix 360.

  1. Select Team > Manage Roles from the left-side menu.


  1. Next to the relevant role, click Edit.

  1. On the Edit Role page, make the required changes, such as name and permissions.
  2. Click Save.

How to delete a role

  1. Select Team > Manage Roles from the left-side menu.

  1. Next to the relevant role, click Delete.

  1. Select Delete on the confirmation dialog.

Role Permission Fields

NOTE: The list of permissions varies according to whether you use Acunetix 360 On-Premises or On-Demand.

This table lists and explains all the role permission.



View General Settings

The user can view general settings.

Edit General Settings

The user can edit general settings.

Delete Agent Group

The user can delete an agent group.

Add/Edit Agent Group

The user can add and edit an agent group.

View Agent Group List

The user can see an agent group list.

View Agent List

The user can see an agent list.

Manage Agent Commands

The user can see and use agent commands.

Add/Edit Agent

The user can add and edit an agent. (This permission is required to select an agent mode on the Website page in addition to the View and Edit Website permissions.)

Delete Agent

The user can delete an agent.

View Audit Logs

The user can see audit logs.

View Custom Script List

The user can see a custom script list.

Add/Edit Custom Script

The user can add and edit a custom script.

Delete Custom Script

The user can delete a custom script.

Execute Custom Script

The user can execute custom scripts.

View Discovery Settings

The user can view the discovery settings.

Edit Discovery Settings

The user can edit the discovery settings.

View Discovery List

The user can view a discovered websites list.

Edit Discovery List

The user can edit a discovered websites list.

Add/Edit Integration

The user can add and edit an integration.

Delete Integration

The user can delete an integration.

View Integration List

The user can view the integration list.

Add/Edit Integration User Mapping

The user can add and edit user mapping for integration.

Delete Integration User Mapping

The user can delete user integration mapping.

View Integration User Mapping

The user can view user integration mapping.

View Scan Report

The user can view scan report.

View IP Restrictions

The user can view IP restrictions.

Modify IP Restrictions

The user can add/edit and enable/disable IP restrictions.

View Account License

The user can view an account license.

Manage Licenses

The user can manage account licenses.

Manage Notifications

The user can manage notifications.

Manage Reporting

The user can manage reporting.

Add/Edit Report Policy

The user can add and edit a report policy.

Delete Report Policy

The user can delete a report policy.

View Report Policy

The user can view a report policy.

Add/Edit Scan Policy

The user can add and edit a scan policy.

Delete Scan Policy

The user can delete a scan policy.

View Scan Policy

The user can view a scan policy.

View Website Dashboard

The user can view the website dashboard.

Add Website

The user can add a website.

Edit Website

The user can edit a website.

Import Website

The user can import a website.

View Website List

The user can view a website list.

View Global Dashboard

The user can view the global dashboard.

Delete Website

The user can delete a website.

Delete Website Group

The user can delete a website group.

Add Website Group

User can add website group

Edit Website Group

The user can edit a website group.

View Website Group List

The user can view a website group list.

Manage Technologies

The user can manage technologies.

Manage SSO

The user can manage Single Sign-On.

Manage Settings

The user can manage application settings.

Add/Edit Scheduled Scan

The user can add and edit a scheduled scan.

Delete Scheduled Scan

The user can delete a scheduled scan.

View Scheduled Scan List

The user can view a scheduled scan list.

Add/Edit Scan

The user can add and edit a scan.

Edit Scan State

The user can edit a scan state.

Delete Scan

The user can delete a scan.

View Scan List

The user can view a scan list.

View Issue List And Detail

The user can view an issue list and detail.

Mark Issue As Fixed

The user can mark an issue as fixed.

Mark Issue As False Positive

The user can mark an issue as a false positive.

Mark Issue As Accepted Risk

The user can mark an issue as an accepted risk.

Enforce 2FA

The user can configure Two-factor Authentication.

View Team List

The user can view a team list.

Add Team

The user can add a team.

Edit Team

The user can edit a team.

Delete Team

The user can delete a team.

View Member List

The user can view a member list.

Edit Member

The user can edit a member.

Delete Member

The user can delete a member.

View Role List

The user can view a role list.

Add Role

The user can add a role.

Edit Role

The user can edit a role.

Delete Role

The user can delete a role.

Can Bypass SSO Login

The user can bypass Single Sign-On Login (can log in with email and password).

User Can See Only Own Data

Users can see only their own data for scan profiles, report policies, and notifications.

Reset Agent Token

The user can reset the agent token.

View Member Invitation List

The user can view a member invitation list.

Add Member Invitation

The user can add a member invitation.

Delete Member Invitation

The user can delete a member invitation.

View Authentication Profile List

The user can view an authentication profile list.

Add Authentication Profile

The user can add an authentication profile.

Edit Authentication Profile

The user can edit an authentication profile.

Delete Authentication Profile

The user can delete a member invitation.

Mark Issue As Fixed(Can't Retest)

The user can mark an issue as Fixed(Can't retest).

Manage Notifications(Account)

The user can manage all account notifications.

Can Modify Account Profile and Policies

The user can modify the scan profile, report policy, and scan policy.

Edit my Team's Role

The user can edit the roles of their team members.

Note: Selecting this permission means that the user will only be able to view teams in which they are a member. Don't select this option if you want the role to manage teams other than the team the user will be added to.

View API Inventory

The user can view the API Inventory page.

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