Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner Voted Windowsecurity.Com Readers’ Choice Award Winner for the second time

Acunetix WVS Singled Out by Network Security Administrators and Specialists London, UK – 26 February 2009 – Leading Windows Security resource site,, announced today that Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner was selected the winner in the Web Application Security category of the Readers’ Choice Awards….

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SQL injection sneaks into Kaspersky’s support website

The recent compromise of Kaspersky’s support database left the company with a bit of explaining to do. The hacker published a blog post on hackersblog detailing stunts with Kaspersky’s USA support website. Kaspersky also published their own account based on their log files and the hacker’s (nicknamed unu) blog post. The following is a summary of what happened and how such attacks can be prevented.

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