Internet Voting Trial Thwarted by Hackers

The District of Columbia recently attempted to give the opportunity to number of people who live or work overseas to be able to cast their vote remotely. To do this a secure E-Voting website costing over $300,000 was built. On Tuesday, September 28 2010 the first public trial run was launched. Thirty-six hours later the voting system was hacked by a student. It took nearly three days for D.C officials to realize that their system was compromised. The trial was immediately suspended and red-faced engineers and politicians quickly scrambled to find out how this breach could possibly have happened.

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Acunetix WVS Version7 build 20101012 released

An updated build of Acunetix WVS Version 7 has been released.  It includes two bug fixes. Bug fixes: Fixed: Client Script Analyser engine was blocking if insertAdjacentHTML used on an element without parent Fixed: “Accept” header was not sent by the advanced penetration testing tools,…

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What does being Banned by Google mean to me?

Many customers ask me, “so what’s the big deal about this Google banning thing?”.  As I try and explain Google’s algorithms, the lovely joy of begging to be allowed back into their (Google’s) good graces and the challenges of ensuring continued ‘cleanliness’, I feel sometimes…

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