Note — This post applies to an older version of Acunetix
An updated build of Acunetix WVS Version 7 was released. It includes a new feature, and improved support for JQuery and Web 2.0 web applications.
New Features:
- Ability to stop individual running security scripts during a scan
Major Improvements:
- CSA engine now supports a wider range of JQuery and Web 2.0 applications
- Introduced a number of new XSS security checks
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed: Memory leak in NTLM authentication
- Fixed: Incorrect interpratation of links with leading “//”
- Fixed: Access violation crashes in HTTP Sniffer for certain SSL websites
How to upgrade to build 201001115:
On starting up Acunetix WVS, a pop up window will automatically notify you that a more recent build is available for download. To download the latest build, navigate to General > Program Updates node in the Tools explorer, and click on Download and Install new build.
Click here for the complete Acunetix WVS change log.
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