How to Avoid Being Hacked

Failing to protect your website and its contents can result in your site being hacked and exposed to vicious malware and trojans. Many web-based businesses have failed because of a lack of website security and there have been many cases of people having their personal information…

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Has a Website Virus Infiltrated Your Site?

The internet waters aren’t safe anymore as malware and hackers prowl online businesses. Just when you think you have things ticking over nicely, bam! you have a website virus! Website viruses can show up and set you back for weeks in functionality and reputation. The…

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Google Changes Malware Warnings

As expected, Google has changed their process when they detect malware or ‘malicious’ content on websites.  As reported today on CNET: ‘Google search results warn of compromised sites’ Google is now adding new links into the search results: ‘Starting today, Google search users should start…

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Holidays Brings out the Bad Guys

As you might expect, there is a projected large increase in criminal activities forecasted for this year.  Driving malware and trojan infections via YOUR website is now becoming more of a standard operating procedure than ever.  As reported in ThreatPosts more recent listing: ‘Spammers Gearing…

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What does being Banned by Google mean to me?

Many customers ask me, “so what’s the big deal about this Google banning thing?”.  As I try and explain Google’s algorithms, the lovely joy of begging to be allowed back into their (Google’s) good graces and the challenges of ensuring continued ‘cleanliness’, I feel sometimes…

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