Vulnerability Name CVE Severity
Agentejo Cockpit CMS resetpassword NoSQLi (CVE-2020-35847) CVE-2020-35847
BillQuick Web Suite SQL injection (CVE-2021-42258) CVE-2021-42258
Drupal Core 4.6.x SQL Injection (4.6.0 - 4.6.6) CVE-2006-2742
Drupal Core 4.7.x SQL Injection (4.7.0 - 4.7.8) CVE-2007-6299
Drupal Core 4.7.x SQL Injection (4.7.0) CVE-2006-2742
Drupal Core 5.x SQL Injection (5.0 - 5.3) CVE-2007-6299
Drupal Core 5.x SQL Injection (5.0 - 5.14)
Drupal Core 7.x SQL Injection (7.0 - 7.31) CVE-2014-3704
Drupal core 7.x SQL injection vulnerability CVE-2014-3704
Ektron CMS400.NET ContentRatingGraph.aspx SQL injection CVE-2008-5122
GeoServer SQLi (CVE-2023-25157) CVE-2023-25157
Hibernate Query Language (HQL) Injection
Joomla! 1.6.0 SQL injection vulnerability CVE-2011-1151
Joomla! 1.6/1.7/2.5 privilege escalation vulnerability CVE-2012-1563
Joomla! 1.7/2.5 SQL injection vulnerability CVE-2012-1116
Joomla! 3.2.1 sql injection
Joomla! component Kunena Forum multiple vulnerabilities CVE-2014-9102 CVE-2014-9103
Joomla! Core 1.0.x SQL Injection (1.0.0 - 1.0.11) CVE-2007-0374
Joomla! Core 1.5.x Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.5.0 - 1.5.21) CVE-2010-4166 CVE-2010-4696
Joomla! Core 1.7.x SQL Injection (1.7.0 - 1.7.4) CVE-2012-1116
Joomla! Core 2.5.x SQL Injection (2.5.0 - 2.5.1) CVE-2012-1116
Joomla! Core 3.7.0 SQL Injection (3.7.0) CVE-2017-8917
Joomla! Core 3.x.x SQL Injection (3.0.0 - 3.4.6)
Joomla! Core 3.x.x SQL Injection (3.0.0 - 3.9.22) CVE-2020-35613
Joomla! Core 3.x.x SQL Injection (3.1.0 - 3.2.2) CVE-2014-7981
Joomla! Core 3.x.x SQL Injection (3.2.0 - 3.4.4) CVE-2015-7297 CVE-2015-7857 CVE-2015-7858
Joomla! Core 3.x.x SQL Injection (3.5.0 - 3.8.5) CVE-2018-8045
Joomla! Core Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (2.5.0 - 3.9.13) CVE-2019-19846
Joomla! Core SQL Injection (1.7.0 - 3.9.15) CVE-2020-10243
Joomla! SQL injection vulnerability CVE-2015-7297 CVE-2015-7857 CVE-2015-7858
Joomla! v3.2.2 SQL injection
lighttpd v1.4.34 SQL injection and path traversal CVE-2014-2323 CVE-2014-2324
Macromedia Dreamweaver remote database scripts CVE-2004-1893
Magento (2.2.0 to 2.3.0) Unauthenticated SQL Injection Vulnerability
MantisBT multiple security issues CVE-2014-9571 CVE-2014-9572 CVE-2014-9573 CVE-2014-9624 CVE-2015-1042
Nagios core config manager SQL injection vulnerability CVE-2013-6875
Nagios XI Unauthenticated SQLi CVE-2018-8734 CVE-2018-8734
OpenX xajaxargs SQL injection vulnerability
Oracle E-Business Suite SQL injection (CVE-2017-3549)
Parallels Plesk SQL injection vulnerability CVE-2012-1557
PHP object deserialization of user-supplied data
Progress MOVEit Transfer SQL Injection CVE-2023-34362
Python object deserialization of user-supplied data
Ruby on Rails SQL injection CVE-2012-2695
SQL Injection
SQL Injection (stylesheet.php) (CMS Made Simple) CVE-2007-2473
SQL Injection in Symphony CVE-2013-2559
SQL injection in the authentication header
vBulletin 4 (up to 4.1.2) search.php SQL injection
vBulletin 5.1.2 SQL injection CVE-2014-5102
vBulletin 5.6.1 nodeId SQL injection CVE-2020-12720
WordPress 'admin-ajax.php' SQL Injection Vulnerability (2.1.3) CVE-2007-2821
WordPress 'blog.header.php' Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (0.6.2 - 0.71)
WordPress 'cat' Parameter SQL Injection Vulnerability (1.5 - CVE-2005-1810
WordPress 'comment_post_ID' Parameter SQL Injection Vulnerability (3.0.4)
WordPress 'paged' Parameter SQL Injection Vulnerability (2.0.2 - 2.0.5) CVE-2006-3389
WordPress 'wp-db.php' Character Set SQL Injection Vulnerability (2.0 - 2.3.1) CVE-2007-6318
WordPress 'wp-trackback.php' SQL Injection Vulnerability (1.5) CVE-2005-1687
WordPress 0.7 Posts SQL Injection Vulnerability (0.7) CVE-2003-1598
WordPress 2.0.5 Charset Decoding SQL Injection Vulnerability (0.6.2 - 2.0.5) CVE-2007-0107
WordPress 2.0.6 'Zend_Hash_Del_Key_Or_Index' SQL Injection Vulnerability (0.6.2 - 2.0.6) CVE-2007-0233
WordPress 3.1.3 Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (3.1 - 3.1.3)
WordPress 3.7.x Possible SQL Injection Vulnerability (3.7 - 3.7.22) CVE-2017-16510
WordPress 3.8.x Possible SQL Injection Vulnerability (3.8 - 3.8.22) CVE-2017-16510
WordPress 3.9.x Possible SQL Injection Vulnerability (3.9 - 3.9.20) CVE-2017-16510
WordPress 4.0.x Possible SQL Injection Vulnerability (4.0 - 4.0.19) CVE-2017-16510
WordPress 4.1.x Possible SQL Injection Vulnerability (4.1 - 4.1.19) CVE-2017-16510
WordPress 4.2.x Possible SQL Injection Vulnerability (4.2 - 4.2.16) CVE-2017-16510
WordPress 4.3.x Possible SQL Injection Vulnerability (4.3 - 4.3.12) CVE-2017-16510
WordPress 4.4.x Possible SQL Injection Vulnerability (4.4 - 4.4.11) CVE-2017-16510
WordPress 4.5.x Possible SQL Injection Vulnerability (4.5 - 4.5.10) CVE-2017-16510
WordPress 4.6.x Possible SQL Injection Vulnerability (4.6 - 4.6.7) CVE-2017-16510
WordPress 4.7.x Possible SQL Injection Vulnerability (4.7 - 4.7.6) CVE-2017-16510
WordPress 4.8.x Possible SQL Injection Vulnerability (4.8 - 4.8.2) CVE-2017-16510
WordPress Multiple Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.2.1 - 1.2.2)
WordPress Plugin 1 Flash Gallery Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (0.2.5)
WordPress Plugin 10Web Map Builder for Google Maps SQL Injection (1.0.72)
WordPress Plugin 301 Redirects-Easy Redirect Manager SQL Injection (2.50) CVE-2021-24142
WordPress Plugin 404 SEO Redirection SQL Injection (1.0)
WordPress Plugin 404 to 301-Redirect, Log and Notify 404 Errors SQL Injection (2.0.2)
WordPress Plugin Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce SQL Injection (1.8)
WordPress Plugin Abandoned Cart Lite for WooCommerce SQL Injection (5.8.1)
WordPress Plugin Accessibility Suite by Online ADA SQL Injection (2.0.10)
WordPress Plugin AccessPress Social Icons Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.6.6)
WordPress Plugin AccessPress Social Icons SQL Injection (1.8.0) CVE-2021-24143
WordPress Plugin ACF:Better Search SQL Injection (2.0.2)
WordPress Plugin Active Directory Integration SQL Injection (1.1.8)
WordPress Plugin Add Edit Delete Listing Module SQL Injection (1.0) CVE-2017-1002025
WordPress Plugin Adicon Server SQL Injection (1.2)
WordPress Plugin AdRotate-Ad manager & AdSense Ads 'adrotate-out.php' SQL Injection (3.6.6) CVE-2011-4671
WordPress Plugin AdRotate-Ad manager & AdSense Ads 'track' Parameter SQL Injection (3.6.5) CVE-2011-4671
WordPress Plugin AdRotate-Ad manager & AdSense Ads SQL Injection (3.9.4) CVE-2014-1854
WordPress Plugin AdRotate-Ad manager & AdSense Ads SQL Injection (5.2) CVE-2019-13570
WordPress Plugin AdRotate-Ad manager & AdSense Ads SQL Injection ( CVE-2021-24138
WordPress Plugin AdServe 'id' Parameter SQL Injection (0.2) CVE-2008-0507
WordPress Plugin Advanced Booking Calendar SQL Injection (1.6.1)
WordPress Plugin Advanced Contact form 7 DB SQL Injection (1.6.0)
WordPress Plugin Advanced Contact form 7 DB SQL Injection (1.6.1) CVE-2019-13571
WordPress Plugin Advanced Database Cleaner SQL Injection (3.0.1) CVE-2021-24141
WordPress Plugin Advertizer 'id' Parameter SQL Injection (1.0)
WordPress Plugin Affiliates Manager SQL Injection (2.8.6) CVE-2021-24844
WordPress Plugin AffiliateWP SQL Injection (1.5.6)
WordPress Plugin Ajax Category Dropdown Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (0.1.5)
WordPress Plugin Ajax Gallery 'list.php' SQL Injection (3.0)
WordPress Plugin AJAX Post Search 'srch_txt' Parameter SQL Injection (1.2) CVE-2012-5853
WordPress Plugin Ajax Store Locator SQL Injection (1.2.0)
WordPress Plugin All-in-one Floating Contact Form, Call, Chat, and 50+ Social Icon Tabs-My Sticky Elements SQL Injection (2.0.8) CVE-2023-0487
WordPress Plugin All-In-One Security (AIOS)-Security and Firewall Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (3.8.2) CVE-2014-6242
WordPress Plugin All-In-One Security (AIOS)-Security and Firewall SQL Injection (3.8.7) CVE-2015-0894
WordPress Plugin All-In-One Security (AIOS)-Security and Firewall SQL Injection (3.9.0)
WordPress Plugin All-In-One Security (AIOS)-Security and Firewall SQL Injection (4.0.8)
WordPress Plugin Allow PHP in Posts and Pages 'id' Parameter SQL Injection (2.0.0.RC1)
WordPress Plugin All Video Gallery 'vid' Parameter Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.1) CVE-2012-6653
WordPress Plugin All Video Gallery SQL Injection (1.2) CVE-2014-5186
WordPress Plugin Amazon Product in a Post SQL Injection (3.5.2)
WordPress Plugin Answer My Question SQL Injection (1.3)
WordPress Plugin Appointment Booking Calendar SQL Injection (1.1.23)
WordPress Plugin Asgaros Forum Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.15.12) CVE-2021-24827
WordPress Plugin A to Z Category Listing 'R' Parameter SQL Injection (1.3)
WordPress Plugin Auto Affiliate Links Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (
WordPress Plugin Automatic 'q' Parameter SQL Injection (2.0.3)
WordPress Plugin Availability Calendar SQL Injection (1.2) CVE-2021-24606
WordPress Plugin AVH Extended Categories Widgets SQL Injection (4.0.0)
WordPress Plugin Awesome Filterable Portfolio Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.8.6)
WordPress Plugin Backup, Restore and Migrate WordPress Sites With the XCloner SQL Injection (4.2.161)
WordPress Plugin BadgeOS SQL Injection (3.7.0) CVE-2022-0817
WordPress Plugin BadgeOS SQL Injection ( CVE-2022-2958
WordPress Plugin bbPress Like Button SQL Injection (1.5)
WordPress Plugin bbPress SQL Injection (2.5.14)
WordPress Plugin BBS e-Franchise SQL Injection (1.1.1)
WordPress Plugin Better Search SQL Injection (2.2.2)
WordPress Plugin Blog2Social:Social Media Auto Post & Scheduler SQL Injection (5.5.0) CVE-2019-13572
WordPress Plugin Blog2Social:Social Media Auto Post & Scheduler SQL Injection (6.3.0) CVE-2021-24137
WordPress Plugin Blogger To WordPress SQL Injection (2.2.1)
WordPress Plugin Booking Calendar SQL Injection (6.2.2)
WordPress Plugin Booking Calendar SQL Injection (8.4.4) CVE-2018-20556
WordPress Plugin BookingPress-Appointments Booking Calendar and Online Scheduling SQL Injection (1.0.10) CVE-2022-0739
WordPress Plugin Breezing Forms SQL Injection (
WordPress Plugin Broken Link Manager SQL Injection (0.6.5) CVE-2021-24550
WordPress Plugin BSK PDF Manager Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.3.2) CVE-2014-4944
WordPress Plugin BSK PDF Manager SQL Injection (3.1.1) CVE-2021-24860
WordPress Plugin BuddyPress 'page' Parameter SQL Injection (1.5.4) CVE-2012-2109
WordPress Plugin BuddyPress Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.7.1)
WordPress Plugin Build App Online SQL Injection (1.0.18) CVE-2022-3241
WordPress Plugin Calculated Fields Form Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.0.10)
WordPress Plugin Calendar by WD-Responsive Event Calendar for WordPress Multiple Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.3.0)
WordPress Plugin Calendar by WD-Responsive Event Calendar for WordPress SQL Injection (1.4.9) CVE-2015-2196
WordPress Plugin Calendar by WD-Responsive Event Calendar for WordPress SQL Injection (1.5.51) CVE-2017-7719
WordPress Plugin Calendar Event Multi View Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.1.7)
WordPress Plugin Calendar Event Multi View SQL Injection (1.01) CVE-2014-8586
WordPress Plugin Captcha by BestWebSoft SQL Injection (4.1.4)
WordPress Plugin Captcha by BestWebSoft SQL Injection (4.1.7)
WordPress Plugin Car Rental System SQL Injection (3.0)
WordPress Plugin Car Seller-Auto Classifieds Script SQL Injection (2.1.0) CVE-2021-24285
WordPress Plugin Cart66 Lite::WordPress Ecommerce SQL Injection ( CVE-2014-9305
WordPress Plugin Cashtomer SQL Injection (1.0.0) CVE-2021-24391
WordPress Plugin CBX Petition for WordPress SQL Injection (1.0.3) CVE-2022-4383
WordPress Plugin cdnvote 'cdnvote-post.php' Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (0.4.1) CVE-2011-5308
WordPress Plugin CevherShare 'cevhershare-admin.php' SQL Injection (2.0)
WordPress Plugin cformsII SQL Injection (14.12.3)
WordPress Plugin Chained Quiz SQL Injection (1.0.8)
WordPress Plugin Chameleon CSS SQL Injection (1.2) CVE-2021-24626
WordPress Plugin Chat-Support Board-WordPress Chat Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (3.3.3) CVE-2021-24741
WordPress Plugin Check & Log Email SQL Injection (1.0.2) CVE-2021-24774
WordPress Plugin Chop Slider 3 SQL Injection (3.4) CVE-2020-11530
WordPress Plugin CM Pop-Up banners for WordPress SQL Injection (1.5.10) CVE-2023-30750
WordPress Plugin Collision Testimonials 'admin.php' SQL Injection (3.0)
WordPress Plugin Comic Book Management System SQL Injection (2.1.0) CVE-2022-3856
WordPress Plugin Comment Highlighter SQL Injection (0.13) CVE-2021-24393
WordPress Plugin Comment Rating 'id' Parameter SQL Injection (2.9.23)
WordPress Plugin Comment Rating SQL Injection and Security Bypass Weakness Vulnerabilities (2.9.32)
WordPress Plugin Comments-wpDiscuz SQL Injection (5.3.5) CVE-2020-13640
WordPress Plugin Community Events 'id' Parameter SQL Injection (1.2.2)
WordPress Plugin Community Events SQL Injection (1.3.5) CVE-2015-3313
WordPress Plugin Complianz-GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent SQL Injection (6.3.3) CVE-2022-3494
WordPress Plugin Contact Form 'wpcf_easyform_formid' Parameter SQL Injection (2.7.5)
WordPress Plugin Contact Form, Drag and Drop Form Builder for WordPress-Everest Forms SQL Injection (1.4.9) CVE-2019-13575
WordPress Plugin Contact Form Builder-a plugin for creating contact and feedback forms Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.0.24)
WordPress Plugin Contact Form by WD-responsive drag & drop contact form builder tool SQL Injection (1.7.30)
WordPress Plugin Contact Form Submissions SQL Injection (1.6.4) CVE-2021-24125
WordPress Plugin Contact Form Widget-Contact Query, Form Maker SQL Injection (1.0.9) CVE-2019-17072
WordPress Plugin Content Audit Blind SQL Injection (1.6) CVE-2014-5389
WordPress Plugin Content Timeline Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (4.4.2) CVE-2017-14507
WordPress Plugin Contest Gallery-Photo Contest for WordPress SQL Injection ( CVE-2021-24915
WordPress Plugin Contus HD FLV Player 'process-sortable.php' SQL Injection (1.3)
WordPress Plugin Copperleaf Photolog 'cplphoto.php' SQL Injection (0.16) CVE-2010-0673
WordPress Plugin Count per Day 'month' Parameter SQL Injection (2.17)
WordPress Plugin Count per Day SQL Injection (3.4) CVE-2015-5533
WordPress Plugin Couponer 'print-coupon.php' SQL Injection (1.2)
WordPress Plugin CP Reservation Calendar SQL Injection (1.1.6) CVE-2015-7235
WordPress Plugin Cryptocurrency Widgets Pack SQL Injection (1.8.1) CVE-2022-4059
WordPress Plugin CSS & JavaScript Toolbox SQL Injection (9.2)
WordPress Plugin Custom Permalinks SQL Injection (1.1)
WordPress Plugin Daily Prayer Time SQL Injection (2022.02.28) CVE-2022-0785
WordPress Plugin Dbox 3D Slider Lite SQL Injection (1.2.2) CVE-2018-5374
WordPress Plugin Diary & Availability Calendar SQL Injection (1.0.3) CVE-2021-24555
WordPress Plugin Display Users SQL Injection (2.0.0) CVE-2021-24400
WordPress Plugin Donation with Goals and Paypal IPN by 'exporttocsv.php' SQL Injection (1.0)
WordPress Plugin Double Opt-In for Download SQL Injection (2.0.8) CVE-2015-7517
WordPress Plugin Double Opt-In for Download SQL Injection (2.0.9)
WordPress Plugin Download Monitor SQL Injection (4.4.4) CVE-2021-24786
WordPress Plugin DSubscribers SQL Injection (1.2)
WordPress Plugin DukaPress SQL Injection (2.5.9) CVE-2015-1000011
WordPress Plugin Duplicate Page and Post SQL Injection (2.5.6)
WordPress Plugin Duplicate Page SQL Injection (3.3)
WordPress Plugin Duplicate Post SQL Injection (1.1.9) CVE-2021-43408
WordPress Plugin Duplicator-WordPress Migration SQL Injection (0.5.14)
WordPress Plugin Easy2Map Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.2.4) CVE-2015-4614 CVE-2015-4616
WordPress Plugin Easy Contact Form Lite 'sort_row.request.php' SQL Injection (1.0.7)
WordPress Plugin Easy Digital Downloads-Simple eCommerce for Selling Digital Files SQL Injection ( CVE-2023-23489
WordPress Plugin Easy Filter SQL Injection (1.5)
WordPress Plugin Easy Modal Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (2.0.17) CVE-2017-12946 CVE-2017-12947
WordPress Plugin Easy Team Manager SQL Injection (1.3.2) CVE-2017-1002023
WordPress Plugin Easy Testimonial Manager SQL Injection (1.2.0) CVE-2021-24394
WordPress Plugin Edit Comments SQL Injection (0.3) CVE-2021-24551
WordPress Plugin Email Before Download SQL Injection (3.4)
WordPress Plugin Email Before Download SQL Injection (3.6)
WordPress Plugin Email Before Download SQL Injection (6.7) CVE-2021-24748
WordPress Plugin Email Log SQL Injection (2.4.6) CVE-2021-24758
WordPress Plugin Email Subscribers & Newsletters SQL Injection (4.1.7) CVE-2019-13569
WordPress Plugin Email Subscribers & Newsletters SQL Injection (4.3.0) CVE-2019-20361
WordPress Plugin Embed Youtube Video SQL Injection (1.0) CVE-2021-24395
WordPress Plugin Enable Media Replace SQL Injection and Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerabilities (2.3)
WordPress Plugin ENL Newsletter SQL Injection (1.0.1) CVE-2014-4939
WordPress Plugin Entries For WPForms SQL Injection (1.4.0)
WordPress Plugin Evarisk 'ajax.php' SQL Injection (
WordPress Plugin Event Espresso Lite-Event Management and Registration System SQL Injection ( CVE-2017-1002026
WordPress Plugin Event Espresso Lite-Event Management and Registration System SQL Injection ( CVE-2017-14760
WordPress Plugin Eventify-Simple Events 'fetcheventdetails.php' SQL Injection (1.7.f)
WordPress Plugin Event List SQL Injection (0.7.8) CVE-2017-9429
WordPress Plugin Event Registration 'event_id' Parameter SQL Injection (5.32) CVE-2010-4839
WordPress Plugin Event Registration 'event_id' Parameter SQL Injection (5.44) CVE-2010-4839
WordPress Plugin Event Registration 'id' Parameter SQL Injection (5.43)
WordPress Plugin Eventr SQL Injection (1.02.2) CVE-2017-1002018 CVE-2017-1002019
WordPress Plugin Events Made Easy SQL Injection (2.2.35) CVE-2021-25030
WordPress Plugin Events Manager 'events-manager.php' SQL Injection (2.1)
WordPress Plugin Events Manager Extended 'admin.php' SQL Injection (3.1.2)
WordPress Plugin Events Registration with PayPal IPN Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (2.1.2)
WordPress Plugin Events SQL Injection (2.3.4)
WordPress Plugin Export any WordPress data to XML/CSV SQL Injection (1.3.4) CVE-2022-1800
WordPress Plugin Export Users With Meta SQL Injection (0.6.4) CVE-2021-24451
WordPress Plugin Facebook Opengraph Meta 'all_meta.php' SQL Injection (1.0)
WordPress Plugin Facebook Promotion Generator for WordPress 'fbActivate.php' SQL Injection (1.3.3)
WordPress Plugin Fancy Product Designer-WooCommerce SQL Injection (4.7.4) CVE-2021-4134
WordPress Plugin FAQs Manager SQL Injection (1.0)
WordPress Plugin FB Survey Pro 'id' Parameter SQL Injection (1.0)
WordPress Plugin fGallery SQL Injection (2.4.1) CVE-2008-0491
WordPress Plugin FileBird-WordPress Media Library Folders & File Manager SQL Injection (4.7.3) CVE-2021-24385
WordPress Plugin File Groups 'fgid' Parameter SQL Injection (1.1.2)
WordPress Plugin FireStorm Professional Real Estate 'id' Parameter SQL Injection (2.06.03)
WordPress Plugin FireStorm Professional Real Estate Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (2.05.01)
WordPress Plugin FireStorm Shopping Cart eCommerce SQL Injection (2.07.02)
WordPress Plugin Flexi Quote Rotator SQL Injection and Cross-Site Request Forgery Vulnerabilities (0.9)
WordPress Plugin FlightLog SQL Injection (3.0.2) CVE-2021-24336
WordPress Plugin Floating Chat Widget:Contact Chat Icons, Telegram Chat, Line, WeChat, Email, SMS, Call Button-Chaty SQL Injection (3.0.2) CVE-2022-3858
WordPress Plugin fMoblog 'id' Parameter SQL Injection (2.1) CVE-2009-0968
WordPress Plugin FormCraft-Contact Form Builder SQL Injection (1.0.5) CVE-2017-13137
WordPress Plugin Formidable Forms-Contact Form, Survey, Quiz, Calculator & Custom Form Builder SQL Injection (1.07.12) CVE-2014-9309
WordPress Plugin Form Maker by 10Web-Mobile-Friendly Drag & Drop Contact Form Builder SQL Injection (1.13.3) CVE-2019-10866
WordPress Plugin Form Maker by 10Web-Mobile-Friendly Drag & Drop Contact Form Builder SQL Injection (1.13.35)
WordPress Plugin Form Maker by 10Web-Mobile-Friendly Drag & Drop Contact Form Builder SQL Injection (1.14.2)
WordPress Plugin Form Maker by 10Web-Mobile-Friendly Drag & Drop Contact Form Builder SQL Injection (1.15.5) CVE-2022-3300
WordPress Plugin Form Vibes-Database Manager for Forms SQL Injection (1.4.5) CVE-2022-3764
WordPress Plugin ForumConverter SQL Injection (1.11)
WordPress Plugin FreshMail For WordPress Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.5.8)
WordPress Plugin Fuctweb CapCC 'plugins.php' SQL Injection (1.0)
WordPress Plugin FV Flowplayer Video Player SQL Injection ( CVE-2019-13573
WordPress Plugin FV Flowplayer Video Player SQL Injection ( CVE-2022-25607
WordPress Plugin G-Lock Double Opt-in Manager 'ajaxbackend.php' SQL Injection (2.6.2)
WordPress Plugin Gallery-Flagallery Photo Portfolio SQL Injection (2.55)
WordPress Plugin Gallery-Flagallery Photo Portfolio SQL Injection and Information Disclosure Vulnerabilities (0.59)
WordPress Plugin Gallery-Video Gallery and Youtube Gallery SQL Injection (2.0.9)
WordPress Plugin Gallery Objects SQL Injection (0.4) CVE-2014-5201
WordPress Plugin Gallery transformation SQL Injection (1.0) CVE-2017-1002028
WordPress Plugin GamiPress-The most flexible and powerful gamification for WordPress SQL Injection (2.5.7) CVE-2023-24000
WordPress Plugin G Auto-Hyperlink SQL Injection (1.0.1) CVE-2021-24627
WordPress Plugin GB Gallery Slideshow SQL Injection (1.2) CVE-2014-8375
WordPress Plugin GD Star Rating 'de' Parameter SQL Injection (1.9.10)
WordPress Plugin GD Star Rating 'votes' Parameter SQL Injection (1.9.8)
WordPress Plugin GeoDirectory-WordPress Business Directory and Classified Ads Listings SQL Injection (2.2.23) CVE-2023-0278
WordPress Plugin GeoDirectory Location Manager Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities ( CVE-2021-24361
WordPress Plugin Gift Vouchers (Gift Cards and Packages) (WooCommerce Supported) SQL Injection (1.0.5) CVE-2018-16159
WordPress Plugin GigPress Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (2.3.8) CVE-2015-4066
WordPress Plugin GigPress SQL Injection (2.3.28) CVE-2023-0381
WordPress Plugin Giveaway SQL Injection (1.2.2) CVE-2021-24497
WordPress Plugin GiveWP-Donation and Fundraising Platform SQL Injection (2.5.0) CVE-2019-13578
WordPress Plugin GiveWP-Donation and Fundraising Platform SQL Injection (2.24.0) CVE-2023-0224
WordPress Plugin Global Content Blocks 'gcb_export.php' SQL Injection (1.2)
WordPress Plugin Good LMS-Learning Management System SQL Injection (2.1.4) CVE-2020-27481
WordPress Plugin Google Analytics Dashboard SQL Injection (2.0.4)
WordPress Plugin Google Doc Embedder SQL Injection (2.5.14) CVE-2014-9173
WordPress Plugin Google Doc Embedder SQL Injection (2.5.16) CVE-2014-9173
WordPress Plugin Google Map SQL Injection (2.2.5)
WordPress Plugin Gravity Forms SQL Injection ( CVE-2015-2260
WordPress Plugin Groundhogg-Marketing Automation & CRM for WordPress SQL Injection (
WordPress Plugin GSEOR-WordPress SEO SQL Injection (1.3) CVE-2021-24396
WordPress Plugin Handsome Testimonials & Reviews SQL Injection (2.0.7) CVE-2021-24492
WordPress Plugin HD Webplayer Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.1)
WordPress Plugin HDW Player (Video Player & Video Gallery) SQL Injection (2.4.2) CVE-2014-5180
WordPress Plugin Header Footer Code Manager SQL Injection (1.1.13) CVE-2021-24791
WordPress Plugin Hitasoft FLV Player 'id' Parameter SQL Injection (1.1)
WordPress Plugin iCopyright Toolbar 'icopyright_xml.php' SQL Injection (1.1.4)
WordPress Plugin ImageDrop 'ImageDrop.php' Blind SQL Injection (1.1.2)
WordPress Plugin Image Gallery-Responsive Photo Gallery SQL Injection (1.0.6) CVE-2014-7153
WordPress Plugin Image Gallery-Responsive Photo Gallery SQL Injection (1.8.9) CVE-2016-11018
WordPress Plugin Image Intense SQL Injection (3.2.5)
WordPress Plugin Image Optimizer, Resizer and CDN-Sirv SQL Injection (1.3.1)
WordPress Plugin Image Slider by Ays-Responsive Slider and Carousel SQL Injection (2.4.9) CVE-2021-24463
WordPress Plugin InLinks SQL Injection (1.0) CVE-2017-16955
WordPress Plugin IP Logger 'map-details.php' SQL Injection (3.0)
WordPress Plugin I Recommend This SQL Injection (3.7.2)
WordPress Plugin I Recommend This SQL Injection (3.7.7)
WordPress Plugin iThemes Security (formerly Better WP Security) SQL Injection (7.0.2) CVE-2018-12636
WordPress Plugin IWantOneButton 'updateAJAX.php' SQL Injection (3.0.1)
WordPress Plugin JiangQie Official Website Mini Program SQL Injection (1.1.0) CVE-2021-24303
WordPress Plugin JoomSport-for Sports: Team & League, Football, Hockey & more Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (5.2.5) CVE-2022-2717 CVE-2022-2718
WordPress Plugin JoomSport-for Sports: Team & League, Football, Hockey & more SQL Injection (3.3) CVE-2019-14348
WordPress Plugin Joy Of Text Lite-SMS messaging for WordPress SQL Injection (2.3.0) CVE-2022-4099
WordPress Plugin Js-appointment 'searchdata.php' SQL Injection (1.5)
WordPress Plugin JS Help Desk (formerly JS Support Ticket) SQL Injection (2.1.0)
WordPress Plugin JTRT Responsive Tables SQL Injection (4.1)
WordPress Plugin Kama Click Counter SQL Injection (3.4.9) CVE-2017-18614
WordPress Plugin KittyCatfish Ads by Missilesilo SQL Injection (2.2)
WordPress Plugin Knews Multilingual Newsletters SQL Injection (1.7.0)
WordPress Plugin KNR Author List Widget 'listItem[]' Parameter SQL Injection (2.0.0)
WordPress Plugin LeagueManager Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (
WordPress Plugin LeagueManager SQL Injection (3.8) CVE-2013-1852
WordPress Plugin LearnDash LMS SQL Injection (3.1.5) CVE-2020-6009
WordPress Plugin LearnDash LMS SQL Injection (4.5.3) CVE-2023-28777
WordPress Plugin LearnPress-WordPress LMS SQL Injection ( CVE-2020-6010
WordPress Plugin LearnPress-WordPress LMS SQL Injection ( CVE-2021-24951
WordPress Plugin LetsRecover-WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Notifications Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.1.0) CVE-2022-4355 CVE-2022-4356 CVE-2022-4357
WordPress Plugin Like Dislike Counter SQL Injection (1.2.3)
WordPress Plugin Limit Attempts by BestWebSoft SQL Injection (1.1.0)
WordPress Plugin Link Library 'id' Parameter Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (5.0.8)
WordPress Plugin Link Library 'searchll' Parameter SQL Injection (5.2.1)
WordPress Plugin Link Library SQL Injection (
WordPress Plugin Link Log-external link click monitor SQL Injection (2.0) CVE-2015-9344
WordPress Plugin Listing, Classified Ads & Business Directory-uListing SQL Injection (2.0.3) CVE-2021-36880
WordPress Plugin Live Forms-Visual Form Builder SQL Injection (3.0.1)
WordPress Plugin Loginizer SQL Injection (1.6.3) CVE-2020-27615
WordPress Plugin M-vSlider SQL Injection (2.1.3) CVE-2021-24557
WordPress Plugin Mail Masta Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.0) CVE-2017-6095 CVE-2017-6096 CVE-2017-6097 CVE-2017-6098 CVE-2017-6570 CVE-2017-6571 CVE-2017-6572 CVE-2017-6573 CVE-2017-6574 CVE-2017-6575 CVE-2017-6576 CVE-2017-6577 CVE-2017-6578
WordPress Plugin MailPoet Newsletters (Previous) SQL Injection (2.2) CVE-2013-1408
WordPress Plugin MainWP Child-Securely connects sites to the MainWP WordPress Manager Dashboard SQL Injection ( CVE-2021-24877
WordPress Plugin MainWP Child Reports SQL Injection (2.0.7) CVE-2021-24754
WordPress Plugin Mang Board WP SQL Injection (1.9.9) CVE-2021-26609
WordPress Plugin Mapwiz SQL Injection (1.0.1) CVE-2022-4546
WordPress Plugin Master Slider-Responsive Touch Slider SQL Injection (2.5.1)
WordPress Plugin MAZ Loader-Preloader Builder for WordPress SQL Injection (1.3.2) CVE-2021-24669
WordPress Plugin Media Library Assistant SQL Injection (2.84)
WordPress Plugin Media Library Assistant SQL Injection (3.05) CVE-2023-0279
WordPress Plugin Media Library Categories 'termid' Parameter SQL Injection (1.0.6)
WordPress Plugin Media Search Enhanced SQL Injection (0.6.0)
WordPress Plugin Membership by Supsystic SQL Injection (1.4.7)
WordPress Plugin Membership Simplified Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.58) CVE-2017-1002009 CVE-2017-1002010
WordPress Plugin Menu Creator 'updateSortOrder.php' SQL Injection (1.1.7)
WordPress Plugin Meow Gallery (+ Gallery Block) SQL Injection (4.1.8) CVE-2021-24465
WordPress Plugin Microblog Poster SQL Injection (1.6.0)
WordPress Plugin Microblog Poster SQL Injection (1.6.1)
WordPress Plugin MicroCopy SQL Injection (1.1.0) CVE-2021-24397
WordPress Plugin Migration, Backup, Staging-WPvivid SQL Injection (0.9.52)
WordPress Plugin Mingle Forum 'edit_post_id' Parameter SQL Injection (1.0.31)
WordPress Plugin Mingle Forum Multiple Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection Vulnerabilities ( CVE-2012-5327 CVE-2012-5328
WordPress Plugin Mingle Forum SQL Injection and Security Bypass Vulnerabilities (1.0.26)
WordPress Plugin MiniCart SQL Injection (1.00.1)
WordPress Plugin MM Duplicate 'index.php' SQL Injection (1.2)
WordPress Plugin MM Forms Community 'edit_details.php' SQL Injection (1.2.3)
WordPress Plugin MoodThingy Mood Rating Widget 'postID' Parameter Blind SQL Injection (0.8.7)
WordPress Plugin MoodThingy Mood Rating Widget SQL Injection (0.9.1)
WordPress Plugin MukioPlayer SQL Injection (1.6)
WordPress Plugin Multi Feed Reader SQL Injection (2.2.3) CVE-2017-2195
WordPress Plugin multimedial images SQL Injection (1.0b) CVE-2022-4370
WordPress Plugin My Category Order 'parentID' Parameter SQL Injection (2.8) CVE-2009-4748
WordPress Plugin myCred-Points, Rewards, Gamification, Ranks, Badges & Loyalty SQL Injection (2.2) CVE-2021-24755
WordPress Plugin Myftp SQL Injection (2.0)
WordPress Plugin myLinksDump 'url' Parameter SQL Injection (1.2) CVE-2010-2924
WordPress Plugin mySTAT 'mystat.php' SQL Injection (2.6)
WordPress Plugin Mz-jajak 'id' Parameter SQL Injection (2.1)
WordPress Plugin Newsletter by Supsystic SQL Injection (1.5.5)
WordPress Plugin Newsletter SQL Injection (3.0.8)
WordPress Plugin NEX-Forms-Ultimate Form builder Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (4.0)
WordPress Plugin NEX-Forms-Ultimate Form builder SQL Injection (3.0)
WordPress Plugin NextGEN Gallery-WordPress Gallery SQL Injection (2.1.77)
WordPress Plugin NextGEN Gallery-WordPress Gallery SQL Injection (3.2.10) CVE-2019-14314
WordPress Plugin NextGEN Smooth Gallery 'galleryID' Parameter SQL Injection (1.2)
WordPress Plugin Ninja Announcements Lite 'ninja_annc.php' SQL Injection (1.2.3)
WordPress Plugin Ninja Forms Contact Form-The Drag and Drop Form Builder for WordPress SQL Injection (2.9.29)
WordPress Plugin Ninja Forms Contact Form-The Drag and Drop Form Builder for WordPress SQL Injection (
WordPress Plugin Ninja Forms Contact Form-The Drag and Drop Form Builder for WordPress SQL Injection ( CVE-2019-15025
WordPress Plugin Ninja Forms Contact Form-The Drag and Drop Form Builder for WordPress SQL Injection (3.6.3) CVE-2021-24889
WordPress Plugin NOSpamPTI SQL Injection (2.1) CVE-2013-5917
WordPress Plugin Note Press SQL Injection (0.1.1)
WordPress Plugin NotificationX-Best FOMO, Social Proof, WooCommerce Sales Popup & Notification Bar With Elementor SQL Injection (2.3.8) CVE-2022-0349
WordPress Plugin NotificationX-Best FOMO, Social Proof, WooCommerce Sales Popup & Notification Bar With Elementor SQL Injection (2.3.11)
WordPress Plugin OdiHost Newsletter 'openstat.php' SQL Injection (1.0)
WordPress Plugin Official MailerLite Sign Up Forms SQL Injection (1.4.3)
WordPress Plugin Olimometer SQL Injection (2.56)
WordPress Plugin Online Hotel Booking System Pro SQL Injection (1.0)
WordPress Plugin oQey Gallery 'gal_id' Parameter SQL Injection (0.4.8)
WordPress Plugin oQey Headers 'oqey_settings.php' SQL Injection (0.3)
WordPress Plugin Page Visit Counter SQL Injection (4.0.9)
WordPress Plugin Paid Business Listings Blind SQL Injection (1.0.2)
WordPress Plugin Paid Downloads 'download_key' Parameter SQL Injection (2.01)
WordPress Plugin Paid Memberships Pro-Restrict Member Access to Content, Courses, Communities-Free or Paid Subscriptions SQL Injection (2.3.2) CVE-2020-5579
WordPress Plugin Paid Memberships Pro-Restrict Member Access to Content, Courses, Communities-Free or Paid Subscriptions SQL Injection (2.5.5) CVE-2021-20678
WordPress Plugin Paid Memberships Pro-Restrict Member Access to Content, Courses, Communities-Free or Paid Subscriptions SQL Injection (2.6.6) CVE-2021-25114
WordPress Plugin Paid Memberships Pro-Restrict Member Access to Content, Courses, Communities-Free or Paid Subscriptions SQL Injection (2.9.7) CVE-2023-23488
WordPress Plugin Participants Database SQL Injection ( CVE-2014-3961
WordPress Plugin Participants Database SQL Injection ( CVE-2020-8596
WordPress Plugin Party Hall Booking Manager SQL Injection (1.1)
WordPress Plugin Payment Form for PayPal Pro SQL Injection (1.1.64) CVE-2020-14092
WordPress Plugin PayPal WP Button Manager SQL Injection (0.1.1)
WordPress Plugin Paytm-Donation SQL Injection (1.3.2) CVE-2021-24554
WordPress Plugin Pay With Tweet SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities (1.1) CVE-2012-5349 CVE-2012-5350
WordPress Plugin Permalink Manager Lite SQL Injection (2.2.12) CVE-2021-24769
WordPress Plugin Photo Gallery by 10Web-Mobile-Friendly Image Gallery SQL Injection (1.2.7) CVE-2015-1055
WordPress Plugin Photo Gallery by 10Web-Mobile-Friendly Image Gallery SQL Injection (1.3.29)
WordPress Plugin Photo Gallery by 10Web-Mobile-Friendly Image Gallery SQL Injection (1.3.50) CVE-2017-12977
WordPress Plugin Photo Gallery by 10Web-Mobile-Friendly Image Gallery SQL Injection (1.5.30) CVE-2019-14313
WordPress Plugin Photo Gallery by 10Web-Mobile-Friendly Image Gallery SQL Injection (1.5.54) CVE-2021-24139
WordPress Plugin Photo Gallery by Ays-Responsive Image Gallery SQL Injection (1.0.0)
WordPress Plugin Photo Gallery by Ays-Responsive Image Gallery SQL Injection (4.4.3) CVE-2021-24462
WordPress Plugin Photoracer 'id' Parameter SQL Injection (1.0) CVE-2009-2122
WordPress Plugin Photoracer Multiple Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.0)
WordPress Plugin PICA Photo Gallery SQL Injection (1.0)
WordPress Plugin Pierre's Wordspew 'wordspew.php' Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (5.61)
WordPress Plugin Pinpoint Booking System-#1 WordPress Booking SQL Injection (1.2) CVE-2014-3210
WordPress Plugin Pinpoint Booking System-#1 WordPress Booking SQL Injection (2.0)
WordPress Plugin Pinpoint Booking System-#1 WordPress Booking SQL Injection ( CVE-2023-0220
WordPress Plugin Plugmatter Optin Feature Box Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (2.0.13)
WordPress Plugin Podcast Importer SecondLine SQL Injection (1.3.7) CVE-2022-1023
WordPress Plugin Podlove Podcast Publisher SQL Injection (2.5.3) CVE-2017-12949
WordPress Plugin Podlove Podcast Publisher SQL Injection (3.5.5) CVE-2021-24666
WordPress Plugin Pods-Custom Content Types and Fields SQL Injection (
WordPress Plugin Poll, Survey, Questionnaire and Voting system SQL Injection (1.2.4)
WordPress Plugin Poll, Survey, Questionnaire and Voting system SQL Injection (1.5.2) CVE-2021-24442
WordPress Plugin Poll Maker SQL Injection (3.2.0) CVE-2021-24483
WordPress Plugin Poll Maker SQL Injection (3.4.1) CVE-2021-24651
WordPress Plugin Popup box SQL Injection (2.3.3) CVE-2021-24458
WordPress Plugin Popup Builder-Responsive WordPress Pop up-Subscription & Newsletter SQL Injection ( CVE-2020-9006
WordPress Plugin Popup Builder-Responsive WordPress Pop up-Subscription & Newsletter SQL Injection (3.44) CVE-2019-14695
WordPress Plugin Popup Like box-Page SQL Injection (3.5.2) CVE-2021-24460
WordPress Plugin Portfolio Responsive Gallery SQL Injection (1.1.7) CVE-2021-24457
WordPress Plugin Post Content XMLRPC SQL Injection (1.0) CVE-2021-24629
WordPress Plugin Post Form-Registration Form-Profile Form for User Profiles and Content Forms for User Submissions SQL Injection (2.2.7) CVE-2018-21003
WordPress Plugin post highlights 'ph_settings.php' SQL Injection (2.2)
WordPress Plugin PowerPress Podcasting by Blubrry SQL Injection (6.0.2)
WordPress Plugin Product Catalog 8 SQL Injection (1.2.0)
WordPress Plugin Product Catalog Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (2.1)
WordPress Plugin Product Catalog SQL Injection (3.1.2)
WordPress Plugin Product Catalog SQL Injection (3.9.8)
WordPress Plugin Product Catalog SQL Injection (4.2.2)
WordPress Plugin Product Feed on WooCommerce for Google, Awin, Shareasale, Bing, and More SQL Injection ( CVE-2021-24511
WordPress Plugin Profile Builder-User Profile & User Registration Forms SQL Injection (3.3.2)
WordPress Plugin Profile Builder Pro SQL Injection (3.3.2)
WordPress Plugin Profiles 'bio-img.php' SQL Injection (2.0RC1)
WordPress Plugin ProPlayer 'pp_playlist_id' Parameter SQL Injection (4.7.7)
WordPress Plugin ProPlayer SQL Injection (
WordPress Plugin PureHTML 'alter.php' SQL Injection (1.0.0)
WordPress Plugin Q and A FAQ and Knowledge Base for WordPress Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (
WordPress Plugin Qe SEO Handyman SQL Injection (1.0) CVE-2022-4352
WordPress Plugin Quartz SQL Injection (1.01.1) CVE-2014-5185
WordPress Plugin Quiz And Survey Master-Best Quiz, Exam and Survey Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (4.4.2)
WordPress Plugin Quiz And Survey Master-Best Quiz, Exam and Survey Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (4.4.3)
WordPress Plugin Quiz And Survey Master-Best Quiz, Exam and Survey SQL Injection (7.1.11) CVE-2021-24221
WordPress Plugin Quiz And Survey Master-Best Quiz, Exam and Survey SQL Injection (7.1.13)
WordPress Plugin Quiz And Survey Master-Best Quiz, Exam and Survey SQL Injection (7.3.4)
WordPress Plugin Quiz Maker Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities ( CVE-2021-24456
WordPress Plugin Quote-O-Matic SQL Injection (1.0.5) CVE-2022-4373
WordPress Plugin RapidLoad Power-Up for Autoptimize SQL Injection (1.6.35) CVE-2022-47593
WordPress Plugin Registration Forms-User Registration Forms, Invitation-Based Registrations, Front-end User Profile, Login Form & Content Restriction SQL Injection (3.0.9) CVE-2018-10969
WordPress Plugin Registration Forms-User Registration Forms, Invitation-Based Registrations, Front-end User Profile, Login Form & Content Restriction SQL Injection (3.1.1) CVE-2019-15659
WordPress Plugin Registration Forms-User Registration Forms, Invitation-Based Registrations, Front-end User Profile, Login Form & Content Restriction SQL Injection ( CVE-2021-24731
WordPress Plugin RegistrationMagic-Custom Registration Forms, User Registration, Payment, and User Login SQL Injection ( CVE-2021-24862
WordPress Plugin RegistrationMagic-Custom Registration Forms, User Registration, Payment, and User Login SQL Injection ( CVE-2022-0420
WordPress Plugin Registrations for the Events Calendar-Event Registration SQL Injection (2.7.5) CVE-2021-24943
WordPress Plugin Related Sites 'guid' Parameter SQL Injection (2.1) CVE-2009-2383
WordPress Plugin Relevanssi-A Better Search SQL Injection (3.2)
WordPress Plugin Relevanssi-A Better Search SQL Injection (3.6.0)
WordPress Plugin RESPONSIVE 3D SLIDER SQL Injection (1.2) CVE-2021-24398
WordPress Plugin Responsive Image Gallery, Gallery Album SQL Injection (1.2.0) CVE-2017-14125
WordPress Plugin Responsive Slider-Image Slider-Slideshow for WordPress SQL Injection (2.6.8) CVE-2015-2062
WordPress Plugin Responsive Slider-Image Slider-Slideshow for WordPress SQL Injection (2.8.6)
WordPress Plugin ReviewX-Multi-criteria Rating & Reviews for WooCommerce SQL Injection (1.6.8) CVE-2023-26325
WordPress Plugin Revive Old Post-Auto Post to Social Media 'cat' Parameter SQL Injection (3.2.5)
WordPress Plugin RK Responsive Contact Form SQL Injection (1.0.0) CVE-2017-1002027
WordPress Plugin Rockhoist Ratings SQL Injection (1.2.1)
WordPress Plugin RSVPMaker SQL Injection (5.6.3) CVE-2018-21004
WordPress Plugin RSVPMaker SQL Injection (6.1.9) CVE-2019-15646
WordPress Plugin RSVPMaker SQL Injection (7.8.1)
WordPress Plugin RSVPMaker SQL Injection (9.2.5) CVE-2022-1453
WordPress Plugin RSVPMaker SQL Injection (9.2.6) CVE-2022-1505
WordPress Plugin RSVPMaker SQL Injection (9.3.2) CVE-2022-1768
WordPress Plugin rtMedia for WordPress, BuddyPress and bbPress SQL Injection (3.7.39)
WordPress Plugin Safe Redirect Manager SQL Injection (1.7.7)
WordPress Plugin Save Contact Form 7 SQL Injection (1.7)
WordPress Plugin Schreikasten SQL Injection (0.14.18) CVE-2021-24630
WordPress Plugin SCORM Cloud For WordPress 'ajax.php' SQL Injection ( CVE-2011-5216
WordPress Plugin SearchAutocomplete 'tags.php' SQL Injection (1.0.8)
WordPress Plugin Search Everything SQL Injection (7.0.2) CVE-2014-2316
WordPress Plugin Search Everything SQL Injection (8.1.5)
WordPress Plugin Search Everything SQL Injection (8.1.6)
WordPress Plugin Search Logger-Know What Your Visitors Search SQL Injection (0.9) CVE-2022-3131
WordPress Plugin Secure Copy Content Protection and Content Locking SQL Injection (2.6.6) CVE-2021-24484
WordPress Plugin Sendit WP Newsletter 'id' Parameter SQL Injection (2.1.0)
WordPress Plugin Sendit WP Newsletter 'submit.php' Blind SQL Injection (1.5.9)
WordPress Plugin Sendit WP Newsletter SQL Injection (2.5.1) CVE-2021-24345
WordPress Plugin SEO Redirection-301 Redirect Manager SQL Injection (3.5)
WordPress Plugin SEO Redirection-301 Redirect Manager SQL Injection (8.1) CVE-2021-24847
WordPress Plugin Sermon Browser Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (0.43)
WordPress Plugin Server Status by Hostname/IP SQL Injection (4.6) CVE-2019-12570
WordPress Plugin Sharebar Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.2.1)
WordPress Plugin Shopping Cart Multiple SQL Injection and Arbitrary File Upload Vulnerabilities (8.1.14)
WordPress Plugin Shortlinks by Pretty Links-Best WordPress Link Tracking Multiple Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.5.2)
WordPress Plugin Shortlinks by Pretty Links-Best WordPress Link Tracking Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.4.56)
WordPress Plugin Shortlinks by Pretty Links-Best WordPress Link Tracking SQL Injection (1.6.7)
WordPress Plugin SH Slideshow 'ajax.php' SQL Injection (3.1.4)
WordPress Plugin Side Menu-add fixed side buttons SQL Injection (3.1.3) CVE-2021-24348
WordPress Plugin Side Menu Lite-add sticky fixed buttons SQL Injection (2.2) CVE-2021-24521
WordPress Plugin Side Menu Lite-add sticky fixed buttons SQL Injection (2.2.1)
WordPress Plugin Side Menu Lite-add sticky fixed buttons SQL Injection (2.2.5) CVE-2021-24580
WordPress Plugin Simple:Press 'sf-header-forum.php' SQL Injection (4.3.0)
WordPress Plugin Simple Ads Manager SQL Injection (
WordPress Plugin Simple Ajax Shoutbox SQL Injection (2.2.1)
WordPress Plugin Simple Events Calendar SQL Injection (1.3.5)
WordPress Plugin Simple Events Calendar SQL Injection (1.4.0) CVE-2021-24552
WordPress Plugin Simple Login Log SQL Injection (1.1.1)
WordPress Plugin Simple Membership SQL Injection (4.0.3) CVE-2021-29232
WordPress Plugin Simple Personal Message SQL Injection (1.0.3)
WordPress Plugin Simple Photo Gallery SQL Injection (1.7.9)
WordPress Plugin Simple Retail Menus SQL Injection (4.0.1) CVE-2014-5183
WordPress Plugin Simply Poll SQL Injection (1.4.1)
WordPress Plugin Slider by 10Web-Responsive Image Slider SQL Injection (1.2.35) CVE-2021-24132
WordPress Plugin Slider Hero with Animation, Video Background SQL Injection (8.2.6) CVE-2021-24506
WordPress Plugin Slimstat Analytics SQL Injection (3.9.5)
WordPress Plugin Smart Manager for WooCommerce & WPeC SQL Injection (3.9.6)
WordPress Plugin Smooth Slider SQL Injection (2.6.5)
WordPress Plugin Smooth Slider SQL Injection (2.8.6) CVE-2018-5373
WordPress Plugin SMTP Mail SQL Injection (1.2.1)
WordPress Plugin Social Slider 'rA[]' Parameter SQL Injection (5.6.5) CVE-2011-5286
WordPress Plugin Spam protection, AntiSpam, FireWall by CleanTalk SQL Injection (5.148) CVE-2021-24131
WordPress Plugin Spam protection, AntiSpam, FireWall by CleanTalk SQL Injection (5.153.3) CVE-2021-24295
WordPress Plugin Spam protection, AntiSpam, FireWall by CleanTalk SQL Injection (5.185) CVE-2022-3302
WordPress Plugin Spider Calendar Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.0.1)
WordPress Plugin SpiderCatalog Multiple Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.4.6)
WordPress Plugin SpiderCatalog SQL Injection (1.7.3) CVE-2021-24625
WordPress Plugin Spiffy XSPF Player SQL Injection (0.1) CVE-2013-3530
WordPress Plugin SP Project & Document Manager Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (2.4.3) CVE-2014-9178
WordPress Plugin SP Project & Document Manager SQL Injection (2.5.3)
WordPress Plugin Spreadsheet (wpSS) 'ss_id' Parameter SQL Injection (0.61) CVE-2008-1982
WordPress Plugin Spreadsheet (wpSS) SQL Injection (0.62) CVE-2014-8363
WordPress Plugin SP Rental Manager SQL Injection (1.5.3) CVE-2021-38324
WordPress Plugin SRS Simple Hits Counter SQL Injection (1.0.4) CVE-2020-5766
WordPress Plugin Stock in & out SQL Injection (1.0.4)
WordPress Plugin Store Locator for WordPress with Google Maps-LotsOfLocales SQL Injection (3.11) CVE-2014-8621
WordPress Plugin Store Locator for WordPress with Google Maps-LotsOfLocales SQL Injection (3.33.1)
WordPress Plugin Store Locator Plus for WordPress SQL Injection (3.8.6)
WordPress Plugin Stream SQL Injection (3.8.1) CVE-2021-24772
WordPress Plugin stripShow SQL Injection (2.5.2) CVE-2014-5184
WordPress Plugin Super CAPTCHA 'admin.php' SQL Injection (2.2.4)
WordPress Plugin Super Interactive Maps for WordPress SQL Injection (2.1)
WordPress Plugin Super Store Finder for WordPress (Google Maps Store Locator) SQL Injection (6.3)
WordPress Plugin Support Ticket System Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.2) CVE-2015-7670
WordPress Plugin Survey Maker-Best WordPress Survey SQL Injection (1.5.5) CVE-2021-24459
WordPress Plugin Survey Maker-Best WordPress Survey SQL Injection (3.1.1) CVE-2023-23490
WordPress Plugin Surveys SQL Injection (1.01.8) CVE-2017-1002020 CVE-2017-1002021 CVE-2017-1002022
WordPress Plugin Testimonial Slider SQL Injection (1.2.4) CVE-2018-5372
WordPress Plugin The Crawl Rate Tracker 'sbtracking-chart-data.php' SQL Injection (2.0.2)
WordPress Plugin The Sorter SQL Injection (1.0) CVE-2021-24399
WordPress Plugin Tierra's Billboard Manager SQL Injection (1.14)
WordPress Plugin Timeline Calendar SQL Injection (1.2) CVE-2021-24553
WordPress Plugin Top 10-Popular posts for WordPress SQL Injection (2.4.3)
WordPress Plugin Traffic Analyzer SQL Injection (3.4.2)
WordPress Plugin Tune Library 'letter' Parameter SQL Injection (1.5.1)
WordPress Plugin Tune Library SQL Injection (1.5.4) CVE-2015-3314
WordPress Plugin Tutor LMS-eLearning and online course solution SQL Injection (1.8.2) CVE-2021-24182 CVE-2021-24183 CVE-2021-24186
WordPress Plugin Ultimate Maps by Supsystic SQL Injection (1.1.12)
WordPress Plugin Ultimate Membership Pro SQL Injection (3.3)
WordPress Plugin Ultimate Membership Pro SQL Injection (6.4)
WordPress Plugin ULTIMATE TABLES SQL Injection (1.5)
WordPress Plugin Universal Post Manager Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.0.9)
WordPress Plugin Unlimited PopUps SQL Injection (4.5.3) CVE-2021-24631
WordPress Plugin UPM Polls 'PID' Parameter SQL Injection (1.0.4)
WordPress Plugin UPM Polls 'qid' Parameter SQL Injection (1.0.3)
WordPress Plugin User Control SQL Injection (2.1.0)
WordPress Plugin User Self Delete SQL Injection (1.1)
WordPress Plugin Users Ultra SQL Injection (1.3.58)
WordPress Plugin Users Ultra SQL Injection (1.4.35)
WordPress Plugin Users Ultra SQL Injection (1.5.15) CVE-2015-4109
WordPress Plugin Video Embed SQL Injection (1.0) CVE-2021-24337
WordPress Plugin VideoWhisper Video Presentation 'c_status.php' SQL Injection (1.1)
WordPress Plugin Viral Quiz Maker-OnionBuzz SQL Injection (1.2.1) CVE-2019-14231
WordPress Plugin Viral Quiz Maker-OnionBuzz SQL Injection (1.2.6) CVE-2019-14230
WordPress Plugin Visitor Traffic Real Time Statistics SQL Injection (3.8) CVE-2021-24829
WordPress Plugin Visual Email Designer for WooCommerce SQL Injection (1.7.1) CVE-2022-3860
WordPress Plugin WA Form Builder SQL Injection (1.1)
WordPress Plugin WassUp Real Time Analytics 'spy.php' SQL Injection (1.4.3) CVE-2008-0520
WordPress Plugin WatuPRO SQL Injection ( CVE-2017-9834
WordPress Plugin WCFM-Frontend Manager for WooCommerce along with Bookings Subscription Listings Compatible SQL Injection (6.5.11) CVE-2021-24835
WordPress Plugin Web Invoice-Invoicing and billing for WordPress Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (2.1.3) CVE-2022-4371 CVE-2022-4372
WordPress Plugin WebLibrarian SQL Injection (3.5.4) CVE-2019-1010034
WordPress Plugin Website FAQ 'website-faq-widget.php' SQL Injection (1.0)
WordPress Plugin Welcart e-Commerce Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.5.2) CVE-2015-7791
WordPress Plugin Welcart e-Commerce SQL Injection (2.0.0)
WordPress Plugin WooCommerce Blocks SQL Injection (5.5.0) CVE-2021-32789
WordPress Plugin WooCommerce SQL Injection (5.5.0) CVE-2021-32790
WordPress Plugin WordPress Alipay/Tenpay/PayPal SQL Injection (3.7.2) CVE-2021-24390
WordPress Plugin WordPress Clean Up & Optimizer-Clean Up Optimizer SQL Injection (3.0.13)
WordPress Plugin WordPress Facebook SQL Injection (1.0.8)
WordPress Plugin WordPress Facebook SQL Injection (1.0.13)
WordPress Plugin WordPress for Google Maps-WP MAPS SQL Injection (4.0.4)
WordPress Plugin WordPress for Google Maps-WP MAPS SQL Injection (4.1.3)
WordPress Plugin WordPress for Google Maps-WP MAPS SQL Injection (4.1.4) CVE-2021-24130
WordPress Plugin WordPress Infinite Scroll-Ajax Load More SQL Injection (5.3.1) CVE-2021-24140
WordPress Plugin WordPress Landing Pages SQL Injection (1.2.1) CVE-2013-6243
WordPress Plugin Wordpress Membership SQL Injection (1.0) CVE-2021-24392
WordPress Plugin WordPress Meta Robots SQL Injection (2.1)
WordPress Plugin WordPress Page Contact SQL Injection (1.0) CVE-2021-24403
WordPress Plugin WordPress Photo Gallery by Gallery Bank SQL Injection (3.0.101)
WordPress Plugin WordPress Photo Gallery by Gallery Bank SQL Injection (3.0.229)
WordPress Plugin WordPress Poll Multiple SQL Injection and Security Bypass Vulnerabilities (34.04) CVE-2013-1400 CVE-2013-1401
WordPress Plugin WordPress Poll Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (33.5)
WordPress Plugin Wordpress Poll SQL Injection (36) CVE-2020-24315
WordPress Plugin WordPress Survey & Poll-Quiz, Survey and Poll SQL Injection (1.1.91) CVE-2015-2090
WordPress Plugin WordPress Users 'uid' Parameter SQL Injection (1.3) CVE-2011-4669
WordPress Plugin WORDPRESS VIDEO GALLERY SQL Injection (2.0) CVE-2013-3478
WordPress Plugin WORDPRESS VIDEO GALLERY SQL Injection (2.7) CVE-2015-2065
WordPress Plugin WORDPRESS VIDEO GALLERY SQL Injection (2.8)
WordPress Plugin WordPress Video Player Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.5.16)
WordPress Plugin WordPress WP-Advanced-Search SQL Injection (3.3.5)
WordPress Plugin WordPress WP-Advanced-Search SQL Injection (3.3.6) CVE-2020-12104
WordPress Plugin Wordspew 'id' Parameter SQL Injection (1.16) CVE-2008-0682
WordPress Plugin Wow Forms-create any form with custom style SQL Injection (2.1)
WordPress Plugin Wow Forms-create any form with custom style SQL Injection (3.1.3) CVE-2021-24628
WordPress Plugin Wow Viral Signups SQL Injection (2.1)
WordPress Plugin wp-autosuggest SQL Injection (0.24)
WordPress Plugin WP-AutoYoutube 'index.php' Script SQL Injection (0.1)
WordPress Plugin WP-Board SQL Injection (1.1) CVE-2021-24404
WordPress Plugin WP-Cal 'id' Parameter SQL Injection (0.3) CVE-2008-0490
WordPress Plugin wp-championship SQL Injection (5.8) CVE-2015-5308
WordPress Plugin WP-Download 'dl_id' Parameter SQL Injection (1.2) CVE-2008-1646
WordPress Plugin WP-Filebase Download Manager 'base' Parameter SQL Injection (0.2.9)
WordPress Plugin WP-Forum 'forum_feed.php' SQL Injection (1.7.8)
WordPress Plugin WP-Forum 'sendmail.php' SQL Injection (1.7.8)
WordPress Plugin WP-Forum Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.7.8)
WordPress Plugin WP-Forum Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (2.3) CVE-2009-3703
WordPress Plugin WP-Forum SQL Injection (1.7.4) CVE-2008-0388
WordPress Plugin WP-Forum SQL Injection (2.4)
WordPress Plugin Wp-ImageZoom SQL Injection (1.0.7)
WordPress Plugin WP-Polls SQL Injection (2.61)
WordPress Plugin WP-Polls SQL Injection (2.71) CVE-2015-9352
WordPress Plugin WP-PostRatings '[ratings]' Shortcode SQL Injection (1.61) CVE-2011-4646
WordPress Plugin WP-PostRatings SQL Injection (1.83.1)
WordPress Plugin WP-Predict 'predictId' Parameter Blind SQL Injection (1.0)
WordPress Plugin WP-Property-WordPress Powered Real Estate and Property Management SQL Injection (1.36.0)
WordPress Plugin WP-RecentComments SQL Injection (2.0.7) CVE-2012-1067
WordPress Plugin WP-SpamFree Anti-Spam 'id' Parameter SQL Injection (3.2.1)
WordPress Plugin WP-StarsRateBox 'j' Parameter SQL Injection (1.1)
WordPress Plugin WP-Stats 'author' Parameter SQL Injection (2.0) CVE-2006-0238
WordPress Plugin WP-Stats-Dashboard SQL Injection (2.9.4)
WordPress Plugin WP-Testimonials SQL Injection (3.4.1) CVE-2017-9418
WordPress Plugin WP-TopBar SQL Injection (5.36) CVE-2023-23824
WordPress Plugin WP Activity Log SQL Injection (4.1.4)
WordPress Plugin WP Airbnb Review Slider SQL Injection (3.2) CVE-2023-0262
WordPress Plugin WP Athletics SQL Injection (1.1.7)
WordPress Plugin WP Auctions 'wpa_id' Parameter SQL Injection (1.8.8)
WordPress Plugin wp audio gallery playlist 'playlist.php' SQL Injection (0.12)
WordPress Plugin WP AutoComplete Search SQL Injection (1.0.4) CVE-2022-4297
WordPress Plugin WP Bannerize 'ajax_clickcounter.php' SQL Injection (2.8.6)
WordPress Plugin WP Bannerize 'ajax_sorter.php' SQL Injection (2.8.7)
WordPress Plugin WP Bannerize SQL Injection (4.0.2) CVE-2021-39351
WordPress Plugin WP Block and Stop Bad Bots Crawlers and Spiders and Anti Spam Protection-StopBadBots SQL Injection (6.59)
WordPress Plugin WP Business Intelligence Lite SQL Injection (1.6.1)
WordPress Plugin WP Coder-add custom html, css and js code SQL Injection (2.5.3) CVE-2023-0895
WordPress Plugin WP Comment Remix SQL Injection and HTML Injection Vulnerabilities (1.4.3)
WordPress Plugin WP CSV Exporter SQL Injection (1.3.6) CVE-2022-3249
WordPress Plugin Wp custom slider SQL Injection (1.6.2)
WordPress Plugin WP Data Access SQL Injection (4.3.1) CVE-2021-24866
WordPress Plugin wpDataTables-WordPress Tables & Table Charts Premium SQL Injection (3.4) CVE-2021-26754
WordPress Plugin wpDataTables-WordPress Tables & Table Charts SQL Injection (1.5.3) CVE-2014-9175
WordPress Plugin WP Domain Redirect SQL Injection (1.0) CVE-2021-24401
WordPress Plugin WP DS FAQ 'ajax.php' SQL Injection (1.3.2)
WordPress Plugin WP eCommerce 'collected_data[]' SQL Injection (3.8.4)
WordPress Plugin WP eCommerce 'cs1' Parameter SQL Injection (3.8.6)
WordPress Plugin WP eCommerce 'wpsc-transaction_results_functions.php' SQL Injection ( CVE-2012-5310
WordPress Plugin WP eCommerce Multiple Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (3.8.9)
WordPress Plugin WP eCommerce SQL Injection (3.11.3)
WordPress Plugin WP Editor SQL Injection ( CVE-2021-24151
WordPress Plugin WP Email Users SQL Injection (1.4.3)
WordPress Plugin WP Events Calendar 'event_id' Parameter SQL Injection (6.5.2)
WordPress Plugin WP Events Calendar SQL Injection (1.0) CVE-2018-5315
WordPress Plugin WP Fastest Cache SQL Injection (
WordPress Plugin WP Fastest Cache SQL Injection (
WordPress Plugin wpForo Forum SQL Injection (1.4.9) CVE-2018-11515
WordPress Plugin WP Forum Server 'edit_post_id' Parameter SQL Injection (1.7) CVE-2012-6625
WordPress Plugin WP Forum Server Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (1.7.3) CVE-2012-6622 CVE-2012-6623 CVE-2012-6625
WordPress Plugin WP Forum Server Multiple SQL Injection (1.6.5) CVE-2011-1047
WordPress Plugin WP Glossary 'ajax.php' SQL Injection (0.1)
WordPress Plugin WP Google Maps SQL Injection (7.11.17) CVE-2019-10692
WordPress Plugin WP Google Review Slider SQL Injection (6.1)
WordPress Plugin WP Google Review Slider SQL Injection (11.7) CVE-2023-0259
WordPress Plugin WP iCommerce-the first interactive ecommerce for wordpress SQL Injection (1.1.1) CVE-2021-24402
WordPress Plugin WPJobBoard SQL Injection (5.6.4)
WordPress Plugin WP Jobs SQL Injection (1.4) CVE-2017-9603
WordPress Plugin WP Limit Login Attempts SQL Injection (2.0.0) CVE-2015-6829
WordPress Plugin Wp Multiple Meta Box SQL Injection (1.0.0)
WordPress Plugin WP People 'wp-people-popup.php' SQL Injection (2.0)
WordPress Plugin WP Photo Album 'photo' Parameter SQL Injection (1.0) CVE-2008-0939
WordPress Plugin WP Photo Album Plus 'wppa-album' Parameter SQL Injection (4.1.1)
WordPress Plugin WP Post Page Clone SQL Injection (1.0)
WordPress Plugin WP Private Messages SQL Injection (1.0.1)
WordPress Plugin WP PRO Advertising System-All In One Ad Manager SQL Injection (4.6.18)
WordPress Plugin WP Reroute Email SQL Injection (1.4.6) CVE-2023-27605
WordPress Plugin WP Review Slider SQL Injection (10.9) CVE-2022-0383
WordPress Plugin WP Review Slider SQL Injection (12.1) CVE-2023-0260
WordPress Plugin WP RSS By Publishers Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (0.1) CVE-2022-4358 CVE-2022-4359 CVE-2022-4360
WordPress Plugin WP Rss Poster SQL Injection (1.0.0) CVE-2014-4938
WordPress Plugin WP Session Manager SQL Injection (1.2.1)
WordPress Plugin WP Shop Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (
WordPress Plugin WP Simple Booking Calendar SQL Injection (2.0.6)
WordPress Plugin WP Statistics SQL Injection (9.4)
WordPress Plugin WP Statistics SQL Injection (12.0.7)
WordPress Plugin WP Statistics SQL Injection ( CVE-2019-13275
WordPress Plugin WP Statistics SQL Injection (13.0.7) CVE-2021-24340
WordPress Plugin WP Statistics SQL Injection (13.1.4) CVE-2022-0513
WordPress Plugin WP Statistics SQL Injection (13.2.8) CVE-2022-4230
WordPress Plugin WP Support Plus Responsive Ticket System SQL Injection (7.1.4)
WordPress Plugin WP Symposium 'get_profile_avatar.php' SQL Injection (0.64)
WordPress Plugin WP Symposium A Social Network For WordPress Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (12.06.16)
WordPress Plugin WP Symposium Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (12.09)
WordPress Plugin WP Symposium SQL Injection (15.1) CVE-2015-3325
WordPress Plugin WP Symposium SQL Injection (15.5.1)
WordPress Plugin WP TripAdvisor Review Slider SQL Injection (10.7) CVE-2023-0261
WordPress Plugin WP Ultimate Exporter SQL Injection (1.1)
WordPress Plugin WP Visitor Statistics (Real Time Traffic) SQL Injection (4.7) CVE-2021-24750
WordPress Plugin WP Visitor Statistics (Real Time Traffic) SQL Injection (5.5) CVE-2022-0410
WordPress Plugin WP Visitor Statistics (Real Time Traffic) SQL Injection (5.7) CVE-2022-33965
WordPress Plugin WP Visitor Statistics (Real Time Traffic) SQL Injection (6.8.1) CVE-2023-0600
WordPress Plugin WP Yelp Review Slider SQL Injection (7.0) CVE-2023-0263
WordPress Plugin WR ContactForm SQL Injection (1.1.9)
WordPress Plugin WTI Like Post SQL Injection (1.4.2)
WordPress Plugin Xllentech English Islamic Calendar SQL Injection (2.6.7) CVE-2021-24341
WordPress Plugin Xtreme Locator Dealer Locator SQL Injection (1.5)
WordPress Plugin YARPP-Yet Another Related Posts SQL Injection (5.30.2) CVE-2023-0579
WordPress Plugin Yasr-Yet Another Stars Rating SQL Injection (0.9.0)
WordPress Plugin YAWPP (Yet Another WordPress Petition Plugin) SQL Injection (1.2) CVE-2014-5182
WordPress Plugin Yes/No Chart SQL Injection (1.0.11) CVE-2021-24360
WordPress Plugin YITH WooCommerce Wishlist SQL Injection (2.1.2)
WordPress Plugin Yoast SEO SQL Injection ( CVE-2015-2292
WordPress Plugin yolink Search for WordPress 'bulkcrawl.php' SQL Injection (1.1.4)
WordPress Plugin Youzify-BuddyPress Community, User Profile, Social Network & Membership for WordPress SQL Injection (1.1.9) CVE-2022-1950
WordPress Plugin Z-Vote 'zvote' Parameter SQL Injection (1.1)
WordPress Plugin Zero Spam SQL Injection (2.1.2)
WordPress Plugin Zingiri Web Shop Cookie Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (2.4.7)
WordPress Plugin Zingiri Web Shop Multiple Cross-Site Scripting and SQL Injection Vulnerabilities (2.3.5)
WordPress Plugin ZM Gallery SQL Injection (1.0)
WordPress Plugin Zotpress 'zotpress.rss.php' SQL Injection (4.4)
WordPress Plugin Zotpress SQL Injection (6.1.2) CVE-2016-1000217
WordPress Possible SQL Injection Vulnerability (0.70 - 3.6.1) CVE-2017-16510
WordPress User-Agent SQL Injection Vulnerability (1.5.2) CVE-2006-1012
Zabbix 2.0.8 SQL injection CVE-2013-5743